Follow-up on the Missing Waffle Cone and Thensome

Well, the evidence has been dropped and frankly, the cup segments weren’t there. So I had to use self-hypnosis on-the-fly to re-visit the scene, and what was apparent that night was the two prime suspects were busy. Pippin was hunting the Papaya Tree Rat…

Innocent Pippin

and Raven was busy running around and shoving toys at me…

Innocent Raven

They were both occupied. Actually, all were occupied outside with me except for the non-Raven in this picture.

Raven and Luigi

That is part one of the evidence.

Part two was the plastic spoon that came along with the waffle cone. It had been splintered all over the pavers, and there was several pieces of spoon in the doo-dee in the place where Raven and Luigi deposit their daily or twice-daily gifts. I give Raven a lot of credit for mischief, but the credit for being the brains behind the Waffle Cone caper goes to Luigi.

Luigi - the guy who did it!

Congrats, big guy, for being labeled. We all go through it.

Next, we find these two beautiful doves upon the utility lines. I innocently started taking pictures of them…this is one.

The Love Doves

Then, with the snap of the next picture…we have a pre-Valentine day love fest.


X-rated stuff!

Mercury is still in retrograde. I just went into the kitchen and turned on the light. Nothing. No light. Oh, the light’s up there still on the ceiling. But it’s not going on. All four of those fluorescents are deadsville. <sigh> Maybe tomorrow? My dinner was not going to ring – rice cooker – so after an hour, I decided to eat whatever’s in there. An hour? You think rice would be cooked by then? Seems so to me.

Back to the weekend. Look at what was outside our window.


Dogs went crazy. Here kitty! Here!

Here kitty!

Look who stopped by!

Al and Jude


These roses bloomed just for my friends’ visit! More Valentine’s Day activity, I say.

Valentine’s Roses

Ginger’s main lump is so very large. Think grapefruit-sized. This is a lovely picture of her…lump is unavailable.

Beautiful GinGer

I ran into a friend who has Golden Retrievers Sunday. She told me how many of hers died of cancer, I was appalled. The last one, she said, came up sick suddenly and they took him to the vet and found the dog was full of cancer. How amazing these dogs are that they hide their pain so well. If not for Ginger’s apparent symptoms, the lumps, I wouldn’t know she had cancer.

I wanted that cancer to go away. I can’t fool myself. The lump won’t let me. But I am still feeding her the herbs and vitamins and mushrooms. I think that is helping to keep her with me longer. She is a gem of a Dobergirl. She is slowing down some. Everyday is a blessing, though. When it comes down to it, we should all think that way because it is the case.