
Aquarius Moon

Full Moon Saturday August Full Moon Saturday August 16, 2008 - Aquarius Moon

Tonight is the full moon of Aquarius. It’s a good night for meditating. Especially if you have a headache and don’t care to do anything else.

Luigi on a stroll

Luigi oftentimes will hide outside when I’m bringing everyone in. So does Baby, but she does it for reasons of wanting to stalk possum or other night time critters. She only catches Bufos. She’s not fast enough to catch anything else,which is why I don’t like leaving her out there unattended anymore. Luigi waits for me to come back out to play ball. That doesn’t always work for him because I’m not always aware of his plan. Like just now when I started writing this piece. I heard a bark. Then another. So I went to the back door, and there was Luigi, on the other side of the door, lying down in wait. Next to him was his blue Dino Cuz ball. We just played ball till the timer shut the light out in the back yard. Surprisingly, or miraculously, Raven kept her temper tantrum throwing to the last seconds when we were coming inside anyway. Now he’s happy, except for the fact that Ginger is trying to swipe his beloved blue Cuz. He had to move off the futon because Raven was trying to swipe that same ball. Luigi has such responsibilities to his Cuz friends, and he doesn’t take them lightly.

Yellow poinciana seed pot New Red Poinciana growing under utility lines

I got a few seeds from a seed pod off a yellow poinciana tree I see going to and from work last week. I planted one in this pot. That is the only yellow poinciana I have seen in these parts. There are an abundance of red ones, though. This poinciana is a new growth and it is growing fast and right under the utility lines. I already had FPL over here and they aren’t concerned, so why should I be? Because I am the one who’s going to be without power when that tree grows up and into those lines!

Handsome Peace Dove The three Amigos

The three Amigos came back for a visit today. They hung around in the pine tree for a while, and so did a beautiful dove. There was another bird in the tree at the same time. I only have one bird tree left in my yard. 🙁

Red roses today Air Palm in bloom - from Jude’s 2005

The red roses have been prolific this summer. Here’s another flock of them. The lilac colored roses have not produced any flowers recently. And here is a picture of my air palm that Jude gave me in 2005. This picture taken today is of it in bloom. You have to look hard, but you will see a bloom in the middle of the plant. I’d never seen an air palm bloom before, so this was a very pleasant surprise!

Yellow butterfly

Here’s a yellow butterfly. Butterflies have been happily flapping around the FD campus for a few days. They are attracted to several of my plants, this one being the popcorn plant. It smells like popcorn!

There may be a slight weather disturbance coming up here on Monday. Her name is Fay. We’re not sure yet which direction she’s going, but this sort of thing seems to get my sinuses irritated enough to give whopper headaches. Thank goodness for Ibuprofen! Though today there was no building on the high jump. No dog training. I went to stock up on a few supplies and that was about the extent of “fun” we had. Lots of naps, which is usually enjoyable, except when Pippin gets penned out of the bedroom and she whines the entire time. But fear not! Luigi and his big snout usually pushes the ex-pen out of the way, so the whining stops and my spot on the bed lessens in size.

We are going to enjoy that full moon once more before lights out!


Sunbathing Dobies


Dobies love the sun. Yes, they do. Here we have the south Florida Dobie midday sun bathing ritual. Being we hardly have any trees in the back yard anymore, this ritual has become a very easy acitivity to take part in no matter where you plop down to relax.

Luna basks in the sun.

This lovely girl is doing the “I am a swan worshiping the sun” stance. It’s a yoga type move in the sunshine. This gal loves her rays even though her name is Luna.

Raven gets a tan

And this is Raven. She’s not shy about mouthing off, and obviously not shy about anything else. Yep.


A Rose By Another Name or Two

The great Pippinator!Do you know any of Pippin’s nicknames?  The Pippinator.  Pippin Shitz.  Those are two.  Last night she was The Pippinator.  I had pulled out of the crockpot, the 2 pounds or so of piping hot ground turkey, and placed it on top of the bucket of rice.  I pulled out some veggies, too, and put them on top of the bucket of rice, and place the bucket in the sink to cool.  I broke 18 eggs into the soup remaining in the crockpot, mixed it, left it to cook while I went to lie down for just a few minutes.

Who did this!You can NEVER lapse when you have dogs with certain bad habits because they will take advantage of you every time.  Somewhere in my 10 maybe 5 minutes of rest, a thought passed through my mind that made me yank off the covers, jump out of bed, and run into the kitchen.  (OK, I don’t run anymore, especially on cold muscles.  It was more a hobbling at a very fast pace.)  When I got to the kitchen, and the sink with the bucket of food that I’d forgotten to cover, I saw what I figured I would see.  A big gaping hole where two plus pounds of ground turkey and veggies used to be.  When I looked down at the floor, I saw the other thing I thought I’d see.  Pippin!

She then got 5 pieces of rice in her bowl for dinner and her vitamins.  She didn’t care.  She was happy and full of over 2 pounds of meat and veggies!

Fast forward to lunch time today when I opened the front door and was greeted with that repulsive fragrance of “Someone’s Pooped Somewhere.”  At first I thought it may be Lilian because she has the most trouble controlling her bowls and water works.  That’s why her nest is by the back door.  It wasn’t her. 

Pippin ShitzI ran around letting everyone out of their caves and when I got to Pippin, the memory of last night’s gluttonous episode prompted me to look in her crate.  MoG!  There it was!  The mess was glued to her dog blanket and crate walls.  I stared as Pippin Shitz exited stage left.  She ran down the hallway and right out the back door leaving me to deal with what she didn’t have to.

So there you have it.  Two of Pippin’s nicknames and the reasons behind them. 


The Mighty Pippin

I stated yesterday that Pippin over-estimates her limitations and animal prowess, which leads her to have her own shelf in the medicine cabinet filled with Pippin bandages, antibiotic creams, anti-inflammatories, and the like.

Here is an example of Pippin’s over-inflated self-image at work. It’s as if she thinks she’s a super Dobie. She is body slamming Annie as Annie is coming in for a landing as she jumps off the table. The light bulb over Pippin’s head isn’t too bright about things like this!

Pippin Body Slamming Annie

Pippin body slams everyone. She body slams Luigi, and he’s the biggest kid on the block. Lucky for her, he’s tolerant. Ollie’s not so tolerant, and Pippin found out yesterday that Aussies do not appreciate body slamming. It’s not even in their vocabulary. But jumping out from under a body slammer and nipping the snoot belonging to said slammer is!


Pippin chooses to relax in one of the spots voted most like to get trampled while sun bathing.

Pippin Shitz Sunbathing

She’s a pip!
