A Rose By Another Name or Two

The great Pippinator!Do you know any of Pippin’s nicknames?  The Pippinator.  Pippin Shitz.  Those are two.  Last night she was The Pippinator.  I had pulled out of the crockpot, the 2 pounds or so of piping hot ground turkey, and placed it on top of the bucket of rice.  I pulled out some veggies, too, and put them on top of the bucket of rice, and place the bucket in the sink to cool.  I broke 18 eggs into the soup remaining in the crockpot, mixed it, left it to cook while I went to lie down for just a few minutes.

Who did this!You can NEVER lapse when you have dogs with certain bad habits because they will take advantage of you every time.  Somewhere in my 10 maybe 5 minutes of rest, a thought passed through my mind that made me yank off the covers, jump out of bed, and run into the kitchen.  (OK, I don’t run anymore, especially on cold muscles.  It was more a hobbling at a very fast pace.)  When I got to the kitchen, and the sink with the bucket of food that I’d forgotten to cover, I saw what I figured I would see.  A big gaping hole where two plus pounds of ground turkey and veggies used to be.  When I looked down at the floor, I saw the other thing I thought I’d see.  Pippin!

She then got 5 pieces of rice in her bowl for dinner and her vitamins.  She didn’t care.  She was happy and full of over 2 pounds of meat and veggies!

Fast forward to lunch time today when I opened the front door and was greeted with that repulsive fragrance of “Someone’s Pooped Somewhere.”  At first I thought it may be Lilian because she has the most trouble controlling her bowls and water works.  That’s why her nest is by the back door.  It wasn’t her. 

Pippin ShitzI ran around letting everyone out of their caves and when I got to Pippin, the memory of last night’s gluttonous episode prompted me to look in her crate.  MoG!  There it was!  The mess was glued to her dog blanket and crate walls.  I stared as Pippin Shitz exited stage left.  She ran down the hallway and right out the back door leaving me to deal with what she didn’t have to.

So there you have it.  Two of Pippin’s nicknames and the reasons behind them. 
