Author Archive: Helen

About Helen

I'm a Southern California living in South Florida. I've been here for 10 years as of October 1, 2007. No matter where I live, I'm a dog lover, and my breed is the Dobermann Pinscher of the Working Group. I am also fond of the Australian Shepherd of the Herding Group. My life revolves around my dogs, which is something those family members of mine don't understand. So I'm an island in that respect, but have built friendships with those who are doggie lovers and respect the canine as much as I do. Some do rescue, some train in, compete in, and judge AKC trials. The common thread is our dogs are family.

Doo-Dee on The Floor in the Wee Wee Hours of the Night

I woke up last night and knew the deed had been done from the earlier butter episode by the “Someone’s Pooped Somewhere” fragrance. Yes, a liquid pile was on the living room floor. The culprit had not been Pippin, however, because she was in a crate next to my bed all night. I figured if she’d needed help, I could hear her before smell her. That didn’t happen.

I’m not sure who it was. My suspect list doesn’t coincide with those that were available to do the job last night. Lunchtime was uneventful, so I figure that must have been it last night. OK, I’m hoping the was it last night. I really am.



Someone ate 3/4 cube of butter tonight.  I found the plastic baggie that it was in, but couldn’t figure out what was in that baggie.  Later I went to find the butter to make some popcorn.  I found it nowhere, and bingo!  The light came one.  Then I looked around and wondered who will be having the shitz or an attack of pancreatitus or pukitis tonight.  Luna had the bag, but that’s when it was empty.  That doesn’t mean she is the one who did the deed.  I always have to point the finger at Pippin first.  Then Annie.   Luigi gets the third spot.

I don’t want to go through this.  I really don’t.  It’s awful when you know it’s coming and can’t do anything about it.



The South Florida Code

When giving directions in South Florida, you should always start with the words, Take I-95 . . .If you’re a snowbird or a non-working retiree, you absolutely cannot drive between the hours of 6 am and 10 am or 4 pm and 7 pm. This is considered to be rush hour and you’re not in any rush. No exceptions.

Some roads just stop for no reason and then start again: Congress Avenue, Lyons Road, Jog Road .

Freeways can only go north and south. Not east and west..

A1A and ALT A1A are the same streets.

Traffic Lights aren’t timed and never will be.

We measure the distance you travel in time not miles.

If you travel more than 5-10 miles on any road in South Florida without seeing an orange Bob’s Barricade, you’re lost!

If you miss your exit on I-95, its perfectly acceptable to back up.

Once the light turns green, only 3 cars can go through the intersection. Eight more go through on yellow and 4 on red.

Know the difference between Sun Pass, Sun Fest, Sun-Sentinel, and Sun Trust.

Flip flops, tank tops and baggy shorts are also known as business casual.

Your blinker means nothing.

English is our second language.

It is perfectly acceptable to brag about the size of your generator.

It is totally acceptable to be living in South Florida but not root for the Dolphins, Marlins, Heat or Panthers.

We have alligators here in South Florida and they WILL bite you. Don’t be stupid and try to feed or pet one.

Clematis is a street not a disease.

Baby in Post Hurricane Ivan windsWhen a hurricane is headed our way, even though you have advanced warning and you are told to be prepared, you’re not a true Floridian unless you wait until the absolute last minute to go to Home Depot to pick up plywood or go to Publix to stock up on water, ice, beer, and potato chips.

You know how to spell Okeechobee.

Do NOT buy a boat. Make friends with someone who already owns a boat That way you don’t have to deal with the headaches.

There is an Okeechobee blvd, street, avenue, town, lake and county.

You weren’t born here. If you were, you’re angry that everyone else moved here.

There’s always a Walgreens across the street from a CVS on almost every corner – with more being built every day.

When picking up a woman on South Beach ,always look for an Adams apple.

It’s normal to sweat when you are putting up your holiday decorations.

Jupiter is a city, not a planet.

Seniors have to do their errands during the weekdays. Not weeknights or weekends – that’s for the working folks.

There are three types of dolphins: Mahi-mahi, flipper, and also one called a football team.

You can’t say; “this is how we did it up north”, if you think that way, then go back.

No matter what they decide in Tallahassee you will never be able to figure out your property taxes.

Learn how to dress in layers. It will be 95 degrees outside but inside any restaurant or business it’s 65 degrees.

There are three things you will need to survive a south Florida winter: A long sleeved T-shirt, sunscreen and restaurant reservations that you make at least three weeks in advance.

The same neighbor who smiles at you every day will be the first one to rat you out if you are violating water restrictions.


A Rose By Another Name or Two

The great Pippinator!Do you know any of Pippin’s nicknames?  The Pippinator.  Pippin Shitz.  Those are two.  Last night she was The Pippinator.  I had pulled out of the crockpot, the 2 pounds or so of piping hot ground turkey, and placed it on top of the bucket of rice.  I pulled out some veggies, too, and put them on top of the bucket of rice, and place the bucket in the sink to cool.  I broke 18 eggs into the soup remaining in the crockpot, mixed it, left it to cook while I went to lie down for just a few minutes.

Who did this!You can NEVER lapse when you have dogs with certain bad habits because they will take advantage of you every time.  Somewhere in my 10 maybe 5 minutes of rest, a thought passed through my mind that made me yank off the covers, jump out of bed, and run into the kitchen.  (OK, I don’t run anymore, especially on cold muscles.  It was more a hobbling at a very fast pace.)  When I got to the kitchen, and the sink with the bucket of food that I’d forgotten to cover, I saw what I figured I would see.  A big gaping hole where two plus pounds of ground turkey and veggies used to be.  When I looked down at the floor, I saw the other thing I thought I’d see.  Pippin!

She then got 5 pieces of rice in her bowl for dinner and her vitamins.  She didn’t care.  She was happy and full of over 2 pounds of meat and veggies!

Fast forward to lunch time today when I opened the front door and was greeted with that repulsive fragrance of “Someone’s Pooped Somewhere.”  At first I thought it may be Lilian because she has the most trouble controlling her bowls and water works.  That’s why her nest is by the back door.  It wasn’t her. 

Pippin ShitzI ran around letting everyone out of their caves and when I got to Pippin, the memory of last night’s gluttonous episode prompted me to look in her crate.  MoG!  There it was!  The mess was glued to her dog blanket and crate walls.  I stared as Pippin Shitz exited stage left.  She ran down the hallway and right out the back door leaving me to deal with what she didn’t have to.

So there you have it.  Two of Pippin’s nicknames and the reasons behind them. 


Confusion Sets In

What?  A Towel?  Where?

“Sometimes I get into so much trouble!”

No, it’s not a bib!  It’s a towel that somehow got shredded and draped around you know whose neck!
