Holey Trees, Woodpeckers, and the FDSP in action

Well, one Extension person wrote back and suggested snails are eating my vines. And I have to go on a snail hunt. There is an organic way to catch and kill them. Put a pan of beer out and they go in there and get drunk and drown. But too many of the FDSP like beer, including their fearless leader. That would be a risky thing as I could see a flying Dobie jump over that fence to get that beer. Slulggo was suggested, but is it safe for use around animals? How about salt? That is what my mom used to use. Hmmm. We’ll see.

I used to like snails, but probably I won’t anymore.

Here is a nifty planting guide for people in all of Florida.  It seems I’ve planted my squash and pumpkin at the wrong time of the year.  Woes me.

Woodpecker pecking holes?

Meanwhile, I’m looking closer at my tree. See those holes? I’m thinking maybe a woodpecker made them, and that’s who is making that pine tree dandruff! Clues came together when I found these same holes in the other, healthier tree next to this one, and when I remembered the fierce woodpecker vs. squirrel battles of late. I think there is a woodpecker nest in the old utility pole in the video below. You can watch it using Quicktime. You will also see a snippet of members of the FDSP doing their jobs.

Woodpeckers and FDSP against Super Squirrel
