
Last night, I rushed home, fed everyone their dinner, which I made at lunch, and rushed out the door to get to an Aromatherapy class for pets. It was put on by the Whole Foods Market nearby, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially after the big rush to get there.

This WF has renovated the building next door for the purpose of having a classroom. Wow! It has a complete kitchen where they’ll offer classes on cooking, an opened floor to set up as needed, and a very friendly director of these classes/services who introduced the wholistic vet to us. The veterinarian’s name is Dr. Carol Falck, and her website’s here.

Dr. Falck had a very interesting Power Point presentation, and gave us handouts that coincided with them. After she gave her portion of the presentation, another person came up whose business card lists Essential Oil Classes as one of her specialties, and with her cat, showed us how to use the oils and what certain ones would do. The cat took it so well. She’s a senior cat and very fragrant now that she’s been oiled!

Essential oils have thousands of properties that can help everything from arthritis to insect repellanta to strengthening the immune system – and so much more. The list is extensive. These oils work through the skin, which goes into the bloodstream where the properties of the oils can work as fast as seconds to two minutes! As a novice, the best way to start is by mixing a couple drops of the essential oil with a carrier oil such as oilve, wheat germ, or almond oils. They can be put on the paw pads, or as in Baby’s case for her arthritis, rubbed in a the area of her arthritis. Through the air, they can be inhaled and have effects on the body through the brain and olfactory membranes. Amazing!

I’m going to order a few essential oils for Baby’s arthritis through my favorite site,, and I’ll also purchase a diffuser, so the whole Fort Doberdale family can enjoy the effects of the oils. I used to use eucalyptus when I arrived in Florida. I couldn’t sing without coughing. Not that I am anything but a singer in the rain or in the car, but it was bothersome. The eucalyptus really helped clear out my vocal passages.

The center at WF is going to have a grand opening Thursday evening. They will be offering all sorts of classes, and if you want to see what sorts, then click here.

All in all, I had a very nice evening at the Aromatherapy class. I’d only known about it from a participant at the T-Touch seminar.
