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It Rained This Afternoon

The last picture I have of rain in Fort Doberdale was taken on 3/23/08, and that was more of a tinkle than a rain.  Today, finally, we had rain.  During my lunch break.

This is the tropics?  It’s resembling more the Mojave desert!


Second of Five Planting Days

Today’s plantings, cotton candy pumpkin and winter squash

Here’s today’s seed plantings.  Winter squash will go nicely in the dogs’ daily crock pot stew.  As for the pumpkin, this is the second of three types of pumpkin I’m planting.  They take several months to develop, so by Halloween, we should have a nice pumpkin patch for the Great Pumpkin to stop by and join us for a glass of pumpkin punch.

Today’s spot for the pumpkin and winter squash

Ginger is showing us the area behind her where today’s seed plantings went.

And here are the seeds that went into the ground.


Methods of Carrying the Loop

Taylor loves carrying her loop around her snoot.  She trots around the Fort Doberdale campus as if she’s a walking picture, framed by her loop.

Taylor and her loop.   Taylor on her rounds   Peek-a-boo!

Raven prefers the below-the-snoot method.  This way if she sees something else she wants, she can drop her loop faster in order to grab her newer interest.

Taylor and Raven running loopy

Lilian’s got a smug mug way with her loop. 
She’s a princess DoberDiva.

Lilian’s loopy, too!


Planting a Garden Fort Doberdale Style

Two Seed Packets

I ordered seeds and they arrived yesterday.  It took me a day to get motivated, but today I started planting.  The first two seeds I put in the ground are sweet bi-color corn and we-be-little pumpkins.

The little garden patch for corn and little pumpkins
This is the glorious patch of land that I used today.

Raven shows me her plan. 

Here is Raven showing me how she’s going to get to the crops before me.  She’s such a gem!

Blooming corn plant 

The corn plants are blooming and so fragrant!

Pointsettias in May

Our pointsettia is doing lovely on the front porch.

From inside the pouch, here are the seeds!

Here are the seeds.



Practice Night with Baby

The Irreverent DoberDiva.

Last night was the last Monday night practice for Baby, the irreverent DoberDiva, before Sunday’s AKC trial.  You know the one where she just needs to pass to get her CD? 

Well. she did the moving exercises so fine the instructor even said she’d most likely do better in the ring than her dog.  Eeegads!  But when we got to the stays, FORGET IT!  She got up on her sit and took a stroll.  On her down, she got up and ran to the rodeo stalls to sniff the doo-doo even with her mom (me!) calling her back.  Then she went down on her sit, and stood on her down.  We practiced for a long time, until I ended up leashing her and starting back from 6 feet away, which won’t wash for the AKC trial on Sunday.  But she stayed.  Sort of.  I had to talk to her along the way to make her stay, the little witch!   (Mind you, at home, she does the stays consistently every night!)

There is a practice match on Friday for this very trial, which I am now thinking of going to with the beast in tow since her lack of respect for authority (me) has developed so fine.  I am sure she is going to surprise me with whatever she has on her mind, as in a leftover grudge from something I did during her childhood that she’s still has on her payback list.  I hope I don’t end up having to pry the clicker out of her nose! 
