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Strawberry Jamming Pan Fried Chicken

I heard a recipe on the radio on the way home tonight. I had mostly every ingredient with just a couple tweaks, so decided to make it.

1 pound chicken breasts
Salt and black pepper
1/8 cup olive oil
1/2 cup sliced onion
1/2 cup strawberry jam
1 Tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 Tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary

Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper.
Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat.
Add onion, and sauté a couple minutes.
Sauté chicken in pan for 8-10 minutes each side or until chicken is done.
Mix together the jam and remaining ingredients in a container while chicken’s cooking.  Remove onion and chicken from pan when done, and to the pan add the jam mixture.
Cook 2 minutes, stirring mixture all the while.
Put that chicken and its onions back into the frying pan with the jam, and cook all together for 4 minutes. Stir occasionally.

I was too hungry to take a picture. 🙂


Token f/k/a Dakota – Rescue

Great ending for Token!



Token traveled well. However, we brought him to our vet this am to be checked out. We had all the Vet info from Venice faxed over as well. Token’s limp nods in his neck and underarms are swollen. Our vet does not believe there is a good prognosis for Token. Our Vet will be contacting the Venice Vet to speak as well and call us with an update. Our Vet said there is no need to make a decision on putting him down as of now but it does not look good.

So, as of now I am not sure what should be done about the website and I am not sure about fostering him because of the emotional trauma.


Rich & Katie

First of all I want to thank you for caring enough to take him with his handicap–It takes a very special person to do that. I was shattered when I read your email–that poor guy has been through so much he deserves some happiness in his last days. How we got involved was my husband did some work for the kennel where you picked him up. She told him she needed to find a home for him asap so we told her we would ask Helen if she would put him on her web site which she was kind enough to do . If he were mine, as long as he had quality and not in pain I would give him lots of attention and whatever he wants.


We love Token. It was a little bit of destiny for all of us to find each other. We have fallen in love with this guy in a short time. His skin has already showed improvement after the injection, antibiotics, medicated bath & ointment. I think the walks, attention & a nap in our bed (yes –he got up there on his own) may have helped him feel at home as well. Needles to say – he’s home for good. We know he is our lucky Token & we will make the best decisions as we move forward for his comfort, peace and well-being. Right now, he is happy & VERY comfortable (he is sprawled on the leather couch with his pink bunny). Whether a month or a few months (we can only hope for years), we know we will all enjoy this time together.


Hi Helen and Mary,

Pardon the lengthy email; however, there is still more to say about our newest addition!

First, we would be thrilled for you to share our updates/emails on Token. We will be sure to forward updated pictures soon! Thank you for your advice & encouraging words on cancer relief/treatment. I will definitely follow up & hopeful we can have much more time with him.

Just to tell emphasize destiny – We found Token on your website after Rich, my fiancé, had been searching Dobie rescues since January 2007 after losing our beloved 10 year old Doberman, Bronson (Fostered turned Adoption). I often referred to them as soul mates – so it took a long time for Rich to consider a new Dobie. After a year and a half of just looking at the websites – we read Token’s story & realized it was time for us to open our hearts, home & family to help this sweet guy have a place to lay his head at night. Within 24 hours we made the drive from Fort Lauderdale to the Sarasota area (just under 3 hour drive). He was so sweet & loving which made our hearts melt immediately.

Both Rich & I “confessed” to each other that we both knew prior to picking up Token that we would adopt him if we saw a good dog with a great personality & got along with our dogs…here it is, 4 days later & so thankful he is in our life – we agree that he really is the BEST. You should see this big, beauty of a Dobie carry around his pink fluffy bunny…he prefers it over the other toys!

We just had a moment of elation today as the Riley (our 4 year old rescue & a black retriever mix) and Token did their 1st “doggie dance” and chased each other around in the yard. To us – it shows everyone feels comfortable & at home. He truly is our Lucky Token – he is getting tons of love & attention from us & his “pack”. I will eventually reach out to his 1st Owner because I am sure she misses this dream of a Dobie. I think she would have peace of mind knowing that Token adjusted to his change of life immediately and is one happy, loving, peaceful pup!

If anyone wants to ever call me/email me as a reference for 3 legged Dobie’s – feel free to have them call. Come to think of it, don’t think we even noticed that he was missing his leg J . So happy our paths have crossed,


A Word about Amazon.Com

I like books, and I like bargains. Being has them both, I zeroed in on them years ago. They have discounted books and free shipping on orders of $25 or more on most of their products. I’d never had a problem ordering from them. Until now.

My scope of ordering has recently gone beyond books. Amazon has branched out, and due to the solid experiences I’ve had ordering from them, so have I. I ordered an external hard drive from them last year.

Seagate External Hard Drive

This one. It’s a Seagate 160 GB external hard drive. I’ve been having computer troubles, and this suitcase has been my saving grace for keeping all the good stuff, like my pictures, safe for me when the computers smoked up and crashed. Yes, more than one computer has up and left me. I ordered that drive directly from Amazon. All was fine.

Recently, I decided I needed another suitcase for various reasons. The original Seagate worked so well, I wanted a duplicate. I went back to Amazon, and found that they were all but obsolete. One vendor on Amazon still carried it – Endless Variety. I ordered it.

Seagate Internal HD

A week or so later, a box came in the mail. When I lifted it, I knew the weight of that box and the weight of my current suitcase did not equal. Sure enough when I opened the box, I found this.

It is an 80 GB Seagate internal hard drive. It sells for $25 less than the drive I ordered.

According to the packing slip, I needed to contact the seller to get an RMA# before I sent the item back. I called, and the number led me to what sounded like a personal voicemail system. I e-mailed, and the e-mail bounced back. I filled out the form on Amazon, and still no response from Endless Variety. So through my bank, I got Amazon’s phone number. That is not easy. For future reference, it is 800-201-7575.

The bottom line is that Amazon has an A-Z Guarantee and I have to wait for another few days, but Amazon itself will refund my money. That will definitely keep me as a customer.

I would not do business with Endless Variety ever again, though.


Sculpture by Luigi

Today, Luigi reached a pinnacle in his career as a plopper.
Though all dogs are ploppers, few reach the precision that Luigi has
of making art from his plops.

Behold, Luigi’s sculpture.

The Sculpture

Behold, the artiste, Luigi.

Luigi’s Statement

Ingredients of scupture?
Yesterday’s marrow bone.

Helen, proud Dobermom