We’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts

I’ve been eye-balling the coconut tree on the corner. It’s next door.

Coconut Tree

This morning, I decided to step outside and make that sharp right to check out the ground beneath it. When I did, holy moly! I hit the mother load. There were stray coconuts everywhere. True, some where a little elderly, but that was OK with me. I grabbed an arm full and took them back to the Fort Doberdale Coconut Posse. I threw them on the ground, found my big ol’ white shopping bag, and took another sharp right turn back to that tree.

I returned home with a huge bag full of the precious nuts, proving I am the hunter that my dogs think I am, once again. (Yesterday I came back with chickens! I not only hunted them down, I cleaned, wrapped, and froze them for storage.) After unloading the massive bag of coconuts onto a lawn chair, I wiped off all the ants that accompanied the nuts over here and had crawled onto me.

One of the coconuts had a good sprout on it, but there was not enough color in the mix for artiste Luigi, so he added his yellow Cuz ball to brighten the pallet. Then he stared, waiting for something to happen.

Luigi puts his Cuz ball with the coconuts

Something did. Raven came along with the evil intent of taking his Cuz ball. And Leissl had the same idea, without the evil intent part. The three stood together psychically deciding the fate of the helpless ball.

Luigi, Leissl and Raven deciding Cuz ball fate

When all was said and done, Leissl put her decision into action, and that was that.

Leissl, coconut and Cuz ball

Until later, when Luigi regained possession of today’s coveted Cuz, and planted it next to the newly potted coconut tree. Ollie was ready and willing to grab that ball.

Luigi, Cuz Ball, and Oliver

Meanwhile, the Queen Mother, the Bahamian Baby, who taught these mainlanders what a coconut is for, pulled, tore, and enjoyed her Sunday morning coconut bash.

Baby’s coconut

Lilian, who carries on as if she’s the ultimate Doberdiva, got coconut hair stuck in her teeth.

Lilian’s coconut dental floss

It’s a bit like walking around with spinach on your teeth. But curlier and you don’t have to smile for people to notice it.

Lilian with her coconut floss

Annie was more into hugging her coconut than using it on her teeth.

Annie and Coconut

Bouchard, macho Frenchmann that he is, used the one-paw-holding method when pulling his nut apart.

Bouchard’s coconut tearing technique - one paw!

Baby used the traditional two-paw method.

Baby Two-Paws

Ginger took special efforts to move her coconut around to the right spot.

Ginger’s good at carrying the entire nut in her mouth

Then she dug in!

Ginger digging into her coconut

Ooops! A little sprout. Another one that needs a pot of soil to grow up in.


While Lilian’s scanning for a spare pot, I’ll go find the soil.

Lilian looks for a pot