Tonight’s temper tantrum was a doosie. Raven was doing fairly well with my sitting there with her, asking her to stay while I held the bowl of food. Then I made the mistake of getting up, and taking her bowl of food with me to get the camera. When I sat back down with the bowl, she couldn’t calm back down. Instead she just flew off the handle throwing a tantrum for her food and snorted foam everywhere. I waited several minutes before she calmed enough to for just a couple seconds before I gave her the bowl.
Then she shoveled in the food. Eeegads!
Thank Mother Earth that we all had a beautiful sunset to wind down with. We sat outside amongst that beautiful skyscape and wondered about the sweet potato vines. Are those things going to eventually creep into the house at night and take over Fort Doberdale? They seem a bit excessive for a potato or two. Some are even outgrowing the weeds!