Happy Birthday, Regis!

Today was Regis O’Verten’s birthday. That’s right. He’s a Valentine’s day baby.

Birthday boy, Regis

First, Regis made his wish over his birthday hamburger.

Make a wish!

Then he finished what he started.

Yum yum yum…

Then came the sky show for him.


Another rocket followed the first. Regis is very popular!


This was the sky from this weekend, but Regis liked it so much, he wanted me to show it to everyone. It’s his birthday gift to you.

Beautiful sky.

While I made dinner tonight, Raven and Luigi played the Valentine’s Kissy Ball Game.

Valentine’s Day Buddies, Raven & Luigi

Now we are all about to say adieu to another Valentine’s Day and Regis’ umpteenth birthday.

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