Ding-a-ling Raven

Being Raven is having SUCH a hard time understanding housebreaking, I thought I’d give her a hand. I also want to give her the benefit of the doubt that she is much smarter than I am thinking she is, so today when I saw a lovely bell ringer for the door knob, I bought it for Raven especially. She was thrilled.

Raven’s excitement over new bell ringer

Well, she was! Once I told her learning a new skill would involve treats.


Did you know Raven can touch another bell on command if you have treats…lots of them, and give them to her? She gets very excited to see that bell, too.

Yowie!  My bell!


The brilliance and brains of Raven

She can touch her bell on the ground, too.

Raven, touching bell on ground

With the office-bell project, I am now working on getting her to ring it every time. She’s got the touching part down.

Now how this is going to come together is I will teach Raven to ring the bell on the door, and whenever she goes out, she will have to ring it before the door opens. Somewhere along those lines, Einstein Raven will figure out that when she NEEDS to go out, she can ring the bell, and that will bring me to open the door for her.