I was going to drive to Costco at lunch today for one of those aromatic chickens for Ginger. Then I wasn’t. Then I was, wasn’t, was. On my last was, I started getting the signals…green ones. So I went through them, and passed my turn to go home, at which point I was on a wasn’t again, until a dove flew over head and told me to keep going, so I did. I got the chicken and came home. After I ate half of it, I decided to see if Ginger, who’d already gone outside and came in again, wanted some. She was in her crate, so I offered her some to the dismay of all the other dogs. She didn’t take it. I told her where I’d gone for it, put several pieces on her paws, shut the door, and let her alone a while. When I came back in, she’d eaten all the pieces! And was waiting to come out of that room. Then, I thought, give her more. So I did, but that was too much. The pile of chicken remained a pile until I went back in to pick it up. So instead, I swabbed a finger full of peanut butter on her roof, and told her I loved her. Then I gave her another pain pill, and came to work.
I hope she keeps up the good work.