Starting week #5 of 2008

We had a bit of a foggy morning last week. I am usually groggy and blurry eyed when I wake up, but this scene really threw me!

A Foggy Fort Doberdale Morning

We grew a sunflower. I think it was a gift from the birds. I do.

Bird Gift

Foggy weather and sunflowers don’t stop Leissl from getting the job done, though. She’s one of Fort Doberdale’s, if not the world’s, best destuffers.

Leissl, The DeStuffer

Today was ear cleaning day at Fort Doberdale. Everyone got an ear wash of 2/3 water, 1/3 vinegar, and plenty of wash cloths to wipe out the Doberdirt. Of course, the most important part of the whole ritual are the dog treats.

Say what?

In this case, animal crackers. Yum!

Ear Cleaning Time!

Luigi’s favorite! (OK, anything food is Luigi’s favorite.)

Luigi needs cookies!

Of course, after a good ear cleaning and cookies, what could be better than some coffee grounds? I put some old grounds that are flavored and sweet smelling on top of the Verawood roots for fertilizer. Nothing sweet smelling gets past the schnauzola on Luigi and his little sidekick, Raven.

I want those coffee grounds!

The Buddha Dog gave me the wisdom to soak down the grounds, which stopped all interest in them immediately. That Buddha Dog is a wise ol’ sage.

Fort Doberdale’s Buddha Dog

When the sun went down, Lilian stopped in her tracks as part of the Fort Doberdale Squirrel Posse, and took note of an alien among us. (Even more important is maintaining possession of the coveted blue Cuz ball.)

What is Lilian looking at?

What we find are the answers to a couple of questions. Who is gnawing holes in the neighbor’s papayas? Where have all the rats gone?

Rat eating papayas.


Regis isn’t feeling too well tonight. He must have gotten too rowdy today as his well-worn bones and paws were tired of holding him up by day’s end. He got his dinner served to him on his princely cushion and he was quite appreciative of that. He dined well, and decided to call it an early night and has been napping since.


Baby, the DoberDiva, has something on her mind. We will have to wait to find out what that is.

What’s on Baby’s mind?

Have a great week!
