Friday Round-Up

Possum nesting materials Lawn Mower Possum Home

Today I drove really fast within reason going home from work, so I could mow my lawn before it was too late. I wanted to get that out of the way, so I could finish my high jump this weekend. The first thing I needed in order to mow the lawn, was the lawn mower. I pulled it out of the shed, all the way down three steps and do you know what peeked out at the bottom of the steps? A possum! Cute little thing. I was wondering where all the dried leaves were from as I know I didn’t leave them in that shed. She went back under the mower, and I had a time getting her out, but she finally agreed to leave, and I got to mowing. I did sweep out the nesting materials. I don’t know if it’s such a good idea to have a possum using my lawnmower as a place to sack out, but it’s certainly better than having rats in there!

Speaking of rats, when I dropped off the newspapers and some shoe boxes at the Wildlife Center at lunch time, I found that the green lizard that the Fedex driver brought to the center last week and which had been stuck to the glue trap for rats had been released. This was amazing to me. They said they could help little lizards stuck, too. Incredible! I’m glad that came to a happy ending.

Baby munching on grass

Baby ate grass today. I didn’t mow all of it away, so she picked up the slack.

Beautiful Pre-Full-Moon Night

There is a mostly full moon out tonight. Absolutely beautiful! Tomorrow night will be the total full moon. We will be there.
