Birthday Girls (7 and 11) at the Birthday Park

Baby and Leissl’s birthdays are one day apart. Today we three went to the birthday park for a cool Sunday walk around.

Here we go!

First we went to the big fruit field.

Let’s see what we have here!

Well, this is no fun.

No fruit picking?

Time for a break on the bench for a picture with Dobermom and Baby, who will be eleven tomorrow.

Helen and Baby

Leissl is seven today.

Helen and Leissl

Leissl sang to herself.

Happy Birthday to me…

Then she sang to Baby.

Happy Birthday to you, too…

When she finished singing and stood up, well, we found that nature has a purpose for everything – even birthday girls sitting down for a sing. Leissl walked around the rest of the Birthday park and deposited the seeds she had collected while singing her birthday tune.

Leissl collects seeds to disperse elsewhere in the birthday park.

We went to the black forest (schwarzwald) and Leissl’s ears have never looked like this before. I don’t know what she was listening to. But Baby’s got a little odd-shaped too. So we took a quick picture, and scrammed in case there were lions, tigers and bears hiding out!

Posing pretties

We went to Iguana Lake next. Here, Baby showed her curly tongue talent as she talked to the Iguana nearby.

Cool spot by the lake

Here is the Iguana. Baby chased it into the lake.

Baby’s Iguana

Then she laid by the shore to be sure it didn’t come back. That’s Baby.

I’m a good Iguana warrior.

While Leissl and Baby took a moment…

Phew!  Time to rest!

…a hunk on a bicycle stopped to say he was a “Dobermann man” and wanted to know where he could get a Doberboy pup. I said, “R-E-S-C-U-E-Z … that’s how Dobies come to thee.” I sang. If Leissl can…so can I!

Then we were asked to leave. (OK, I was asked to leave.) We got a drink from our Thermos of water and jumped in.

Bye-Bye!  Till next year!

Then we hit the road to go home.

The Road

Till next year, Birthday Park!
