
Fay’s on Our Minds

Annie checks out the Kongs En garde!

Our Kongs arrived last week! Annie checked them out. Raven and Luigi had a dispute over who should touch them first. Neither won. I touched them first. I was going to stuff them all this weekend, but being there is the possibility of a Hurricane Fay, I had other things to get done.

I had to take down a tree that was around 15 feet tall. It was in a bucket, and the roots dug into the ground. I had intended on tipping it over and easing it out of the ground to replant; however, that’s not what happened.

Large tree peeking over the power and phone lines to the house

What happened was when I tipped it over it did exactly what I was trying to avoid by taking it out of the ground before the hurricane got it. It got tangled up in the phone and electric lines to the house. Now this was not a pleasant experience for me. I had to pull the ladder over and take out the tree limb clippers and get up there on the ladder with that tree cutting thing to cut the tree out. I kept thinking, “Please don’t let me die by getting shocked.”

Well, my mantra paid off, and I didn’t get a shock, but I did realize that I couldn’t cut the roots out of the ground with my bread knife, nor a steak knife. I was lead to the shed where the electric saw was. I’d never used it, and hoped to God I didn’t have to go through an hour-long reading of directions as I did a few weeks ago with that other electric saw that I ended up not using. I just wanted to separate that tree from the roots. Period.

Stump Pieces of tree

I opened the box, and there were ants in there and a direction booklet that started in Spanish. That annoyed me. If it’s sold in Lowe’s here in Florida, English should be first. Whatever. I paged over and found the English part, then threw it off and decided to go for it without instructions. It was hot and humid and I was getting cranky. After I set everything up, I figured out how to start the thing and shizaam! I separated that tree from the roots, and then cut it up into sections to throw away. There was no way I could dig a hole for that tree as big as it was and haul it around. Just not gonna happen. So I said sianara.

Luigi and Ginger - Luigi wants that ball! Ollie and Luigi want Ginger’s new used basketball

During the process, I found a basketball dog toy, which Ginger quickly claimed though both Luigi and Ollie thought it should be theirs. Wrong! It’s all hers!

Bunny’s necklace is Raven’s favorite toy Bunny’s necklace is Raven’s favorite toy

Speaking of toys, somehow, Bunny Butt Taylor got Raven’s toy around her neck this morning and was wearing it around like a necklace. I noticed it when I was delivering breakfasts. She’s a peach, that Bunny Butt!

Dinner time.


Aquarius Moon

Full Moon Saturday August Full Moon Saturday August 16, 2008 - Aquarius Moon

Tonight is the full moon of Aquarius. It’s a good night for meditating. Especially if you have a headache and don’t care to do anything else.

Luigi on a stroll

Luigi oftentimes will hide outside when I’m bringing everyone in. So does Baby, but she does it for reasons of wanting to stalk possum or other night time critters. She only catches Bufos. She’s not fast enough to catch anything else,which is why I don’t like leaving her out there unattended anymore. Luigi waits for me to come back out to play ball. That doesn’t always work for him because I’m not always aware of his plan. Like just now when I started writing this piece. I heard a bark. Then another. So I went to the back door, and there was Luigi, on the other side of the door, lying down in wait. Next to him was his blue Dino Cuz ball. We just played ball till the timer shut the light out in the back yard. Surprisingly, or miraculously, Raven kept her temper tantrum throwing to the last seconds when we were coming inside anyway. Now he’s happy, except for the fact that Ginger is trying to swipe his beloved blue Cuz. He had to move off the futon because Raven was trying to swipe that same ball. Luigi has such responsibilities to his Cuz friends, and he doesn’t take them lightly.

Yellow poinciana seed pot New Red Poinciana growing under utility lines

I got a few seeds from a seed pod off a yellow poinciana tree I see going to and from work last week. I planted one in this pot. That is the only yellow poinciana I have seen in these parts. There are an abundance of red ones, though. This poinciana is a new growth and it is growing fast and right under the utility lines. I already had FPL over here and they aren’t concerned, so why should I be? Because I am the one who’s going to be without power when that tree grows up and into those lines!

Handsome Peace Dove The three Amigos

The three Amigos came back for a visit today. They hung around in the pine tree for a while, and so did a beautiful dove. There was another bird in the tree at the same time. I only have one bird tree left in my yard. 🙁

Red roses today Air Palm in bloom - from Jude’s 2005

The red roses have been prolific this summer. Here’s another flock of them. The lilac colored roses have not produced any flowers recently. And here is a picture of my air palm that Jude gave me in 2005. This picture taken today is of it in bloom. You have to look hard, but you will see a bloom in the middle of the plant. I’d never seen an air palm bloom before, so this was a very pleasant surprise!

Yellow butterfly

Here’s a yellow butterfly. Butterflies have been happily flapping around the FD campus for a few days. They are attracted to several of my plants, this one being the popcorn plant. It smells like popcorn!

There may be a slight weather disturbance coming up here on Monday. Her name is Fay. We’re not sure yet which direction she’s going, but this sort of thing seems to get my sinuses irritated enough to give whopper headaches. Thank goodness for Ibuprofen! Though today there was no building on the high jump. No dog training. I went to stock up on a few supplies and that was about the extent of “fun” we had. Lots of naps, which is usually enjoyable, except when Pippin gets penned out of the bedroom and she whines the entire time. But fear not! Luigi and his big snout usually pushes the ex-pen out of the way, so the whining stops and my spot on the bed lessens in size.

We are going to enjoy that full moon once more before lights out!


Bulk Trash Day & Training & Olympic Sun-Tanning


Yesterday was bulk trash day, and the trash men gave me a hard time about the two piles of green refuse that my tree guys left in the swale. They were saying it was too much blah blah blah. The bottom line is if the professional tree guys would have put all that in one pile, then we would have been all right. But because there were two piles, the trash men had attitude. Besides the fact that I hardly ever leave out bulk trash, there was not much going on with bulk trash on my block. It was another city worker pushing around his policy power. He finally did take both piles, but it was not a pleasant experience. However, being that they took the first pile and left a pamphlet on my door and left, and I came home to this half-done job at lunch, I was very happy that it turned out the way it did.

After I got the pamphlet, I drove down the street to where I saw a bulk trash man picking up debris. He was very nice and I will say that trash man went out of his way to help me by phoning in the problem – half my bulk trash was left behind – and getting the message they will be back for the second pile, but had left because their truck had been filled. I called into the trash company to give kudos to this man for going above and beyond. It was the fact that the pamphlet and attitude wasn’t enough from the leaf trash man that got me riled up. He had to knock on my door and give me a lecture over the entire thing before he picked up the second pile. Then he tried to turn it into a personal conversation while the clock was ticking away on my precious lunch break. I’d much rather have been spending it with my dogs than being lectured to or chit-chatting. Eeegads!

Let me just say that I’m glad that whole tree business is done. Now I’m facing a very hairy front yard and swale, which needs some mowing. This weekend will be mowing weekend. Call me a dud, but I’m not looking forward to that.

Dragon Flies

In between running back and forth to talk with the trash men, I was watching the flight of the Dragon Flies in my back yard. I had taken a few pictures of them, but not enough due to time constraints. I’d never seen such a swarm of Dragon Flies enjoying the day before. It was quite an event. The FDSP didn’t notice them being they flew a few too many feet above their heads for noticing. A good thing.

The Raven

I worked more on Raven’s sit staying Tuesday night, but last night I let it slide. She is also learning to pay attention to the dumbbell. Her favorite part of all this is getting treats.

Bunny B

I’d also worked a little with Bunny Butt on her sit stay Tuesday night. She’s got such a spastic behind that getting 10 seconds of it staying planted on the floor was next to impossible. So we worked on half that time.
Luigi rubs the Buddha Dog for good luck or something

Luigi worked on scent discrimination. He had been practicing on the FDSP Budha Dog. We are both learning this process of scent discrimination exercises using clicker training – me how to teach it that way and him how to learn it that way. Anytime he doesn’t get it, it’s my fault. He and I both determined that. I found a how-to article on training scent discrimination on line. It’s written by Morgan Spector.

Morgan Spector’s book

He also wrote an entire book on obedience training using the clicker. It’s very good, and if you’d like to order it, CLICK HERE.

I see some of his ideas on the process of training scent using clicker have changed. Mainly in the book he makes comment about people who put the scent articles they want to be cold in the fridge over night. He thought it un-necessary. But the article, which is newer, mentions to do both:

“There are various ways to make sure that there is a clear difference between the “hot” and “cold” articles when you practice with your dog. You can put the “unscented” articles in a refrigerator before practice; the cold will essentially neutralize scent and will retard incidental scenting. You can put the “hot” article in a Ziploc bag, which will intensify your scent.”

Growth is a good thing, and I highly recommend the book. It’s a great price and teaches the trainer a humane and fun-for-the dog way to learn the commands to compete in obedience and get those titles!

Meanwhile, last night Uigi and I by-passed working scent till I could get my brain and the theory and my actions to coincide with the right process, but we did work on the go-out and touch-the-pole exercise. Well, basically, Uigi brought me his red Cuz ball, and I wouldn’t throw it till he touched the pole. He gets so excited about the game, he thinks he has to grab the pole in his mouth, and I’m sure he’d pull it out of the ground if he didn’t get his click fast enough. But so far, I am fast enough, and I throw the ball, he gets it and we start all over again. He’s a brainiac, my boy is.

Sunbathers Bouchard and Oliver

Meanwhile, Bouchard and Ollie have very nice sun tans. They work hard on maintaining that sun-tanned look daily. If sun bathing were an Olympic event, you could count Bouchard and Oliver in as a prize-winning team.

The synchronized sun bathing team!


Training, Trees, and Other Goings-On

Tonight I started working on Raven’s sit stays more seriously. She and I are signed up for that beginning agility class in September, and I suppose it’s time to settle some manners into the Raven. So we worked sit stays where she did very well, staring at me for 10-second intervals between clicks and treats. We ended on a 15-minute sit stay and she got a jack pot. Then we did a handful of treats worth of touch the dumbbell on the floor. What a doosie of a pup!

Raven’s not so innocent stare

Meanwhile, there is something about that look of hers that I often wonder about. Of course, this picture was taken when she had a right to give me such a look. OK, so I had to remove some of the temp fencing around my vegetable garden yesterday and replace it. I use a brick to pound in the new stakes, and I used to have a beat-up towel that I put between brick and stake when pounding. I looked around for something to use that was well-worn and I thought this old Wubba cover was it! Uh huh. I pounded a few times, and something called me away. As soon as I moved off, Raven snatched back her Wubba cover, and this was the resulting look. I guess I deserved it. I decided to pound without a cover, and it worked fine.

Piles of Trees

This morning, thank God, the tree men came back and removed all those tree pieces and chunks of trees from behind the hedge of the yard and put them into the swale for bulk trash pick-up Wednesday. I was so happy that was done! Whilst the two younger men worked, the leader pointed out all the work that he could do in my yard. Yep. I know. But I’m a do-it-yourselfer where I can be due to thriftiness, and taking down 40-foot pines or 25-foot traveler’s palms was not examples of those times. Hence why he got that work.

Ginger eating breakfast amongst her collection of Nylabones and other toys

The FDSP had oatmeal and peanut butter for Sunday breakfast. It was intended to be a treat; however, Baby (the Queen Mother) didn’t like hers. She walked around checking in everyone’s bowl to see if they had the same thing as she did. She was disappointed to find it was so. Ginger loved her breakfast, as did the rest of the FDSP. She has a hobby of picking up stray toys and non-chalantly strolling back to her den with them. That’s why no one has any Nylabones to munch on!

Luigi and his oatmeal

Luigi had a good time eating his breakfast, too. I get the feeling he may have irritated the DoberDiva, though. She is good at spitting especially when she has a mouth full of food that she’s not particularly fond of.

This evening, Luigi and I worked in the kitchen on scent discrimination. I brought out a second metal dumbbell and he and I clicked and treated our way through his selecting the right one each time. However, he has no clue yet, why I click on the one with my scent on it. But he will. He’s Luigi. Bright as they come. He also is in the beginning stages of learning to walk backwards. The light bulb dimly came on for him and me on learning/training walking backwards. For most of our tries, he would step back and as I was clicking, he would be sitting. That is one of the habits we need to correct. I’d like him to tuck sit instead. However, at the end of the session, he stayed standing instead of going into a sit when I clicked his steps backwards.

Now both Raven and Luigi are resting and quietly thinking about what went on with our training tonight, so all that knowledge will be stored in their Dober memory banks.

Baby and Taylor soaking up peace Ollie with his yellow nubby ball

Baby and Bunny Butt absorbed lessons from the Peace Stone this weekend, and Ollie found an old favorite ball to prance around with.  Ollie is one to find a toy that everyone else wants and hog it till either he gets bored, or somehow another dog snatches it away from him.  He’s no fun for playing fetch because of that, but he’s good for keeping other family members occupied when the real Queen Mother wants a break from having a Cuz ball or other toy shoved at her.

Beautiful Raven

By the way, Raven has a new elegantly Dobermann look about her. She does. (It startled me at first.) OK, it’s occasional, but that look has arrived since the Peace Stone fell from the sky and her maturity started kicking in. She’s by no means mature, but she is getting there. She still barks hysterically in her crate when she wants immediate results, but heeds my warnings and closes the yap for 10-15 seconds intervals. Hmmm, that’s the same amount of time she can concentrate on a sit-stay. Maybe we have something there!

It was a fine weekend. I even got further along with building the high jump until the rains kicked in and the instructions got a tad confusing on Saturday. I needed a couple more PVC poles as well, being there was a piece to the construction puzzle I failed to recognize. PVC poles were purchased today, and next weekend, I should be able to complete that high jump. The bar jump will be the last of the set. Alleluia!


High Jump/Big Mouth

Luigi under an arealia Taylor under the shade of the house Ollie in fence shade

Today, I spent some time in the scorching sun with a few die-hard companions. They found shade while I cut HUGE 1-1/2″ PVC pipe into five foot lengths. Then I cut five feet, eight inch pieces of white vinyl house siding out of twelve feet, twelve inch pieces. This was the hardest cutting so far in my obedience jump-making endeavor. I did not finish the jump by any means, but at least I got the hard part out of the way (at least I hope that was the hard part). Next weekend or thereabouts, I will continue on with this project. I had too much to do this weekend, and didn’t even get any Kongs stuffed. I’m sure I’ll hear it from Raven for that.

Raven in a daze No Kong for me now…I want my dinner bowl!

Speaking of the little twit, tonight when she was put into her crate for bad behavior while I was fixing dinner, she carried on a fit something fierce. I mean fierce! When I had just about enough, I gave her one of two stuffed King Kongs from the freezer. What happened next was unbelievable. When I gave it to her, she carried on a bigger fit. She didn’t want that! She wanted her dinner bowl, filled with good stuff, and nothing else. I wasn’t quite done with them, so thought the Kong would appease the beast. Nope. That Raven has no patience. OK, she has a little. That little gets her by, but barely. She seems to know when I’m at the end of my rope, and can shut her yap for about two seconds. Long enough to spare her the feel of my hands around her scrawny neck. When I finally got to doling out dinner, she got hers last. But when I opened the crate door, I almost got the bowl ripped out of my hand. Geesh! Gotta love her joy of life.

By the way, after dinner, she decided the Kong was OK to destuff.

Luigi, Ollie, and Lilian politely waiting for dinner

And this is what the good kids look like waiting for dinner. They are well mannered and simply a joy to have around the kitchen! There’s got to be contrast so you know who’s who!
