
Ginger’s Somewhat Painful Playtime

This evening, Luigi

Handsome Luigi

was playing with Ginger

Pretty Ginger Girl

And she yelled in pain a couple of times. I told them both to slow down.

I’ve noticed her getting a little too tired a little too fast, but that is something that happens with maturing. But tonight’s yelps were the first sign of a reality I really don’t want to face. Not fair.

Dobergirls Doing Their Things

Raven is still kicking. Say for example, Friday when I had hose in hand and was squrting off peeps from the pavers. Raven decided to grab the hose and yank it. The hose shifted in my hand, turned on me and soaked my shirt and head. She then stood back and watched me turn red.

Raven tugging at hose

Today, she was playing fetch so hard, especially making sure no one else got to bring the ball back to me…

Raven running with the ball after swiping it from Luigi

…that she wore her back toenails to nubs.

Raven’s worn down nails

I only knew this due to blood on the pavers. I am letting the rain rinse off those little dabbles.

Ginger played with Bouchard today. Ginger is his best friend.

Bouchard and Ginger play

She also played a little Frisbee. It’s hard for me to imagine she has something inside her that’s taken her away from this life she loves.

Ginger playing Frisbee

I didn’t know she liked Frisbee. She usually plays ball. But Baby loves Frisbee

Baby goes crazy for a Frisbee

…and was out playing, so Ginger joined in.


Ginger did not have her lumps removed today. The x-rays showed cancer is in her lungs.

Ginger’s x-ray - white circles are cancer spots in her lungs

She is glad to be home. She loves her den, and especially to store toys there. She had to start over with storage being while she was gone, her friends decided to clean out her crate and put all her toys back into circulation.

Ginger’s home - she missed her den

Luigi is a very good friend of Ginger’s and greeted her at the vet’s. He and Ginger did the happy dance when they saw each other. Luigi put his head on her neck and they danced around. You would have been able to see this if the batteries in my camera hadn’t expired. Too much stress. I still have not processed this information.

Ginger’s Journey

Pippin and Helen

Pippin and Hlen

chauffered the gorgeous Ginger

Gorgeous Ginger

up Alligator Alley

Alligator Alley North

to the rest stop…

Rest stop visitor

to meet Amy.

Amy greets Pippin

Then the lovely Ginger

Lovely Ginger

changed cars and Amy bid Pippin adieu. Amy is very fond of Pippin.

Amy bids adieu to Pippin

Then Amy, who is also fond of Ginger, chauffered our red sweetie to the end of Ginger’s journey. Ginger will stay in a house with very loving people and other loving Dobies over night until her appointment in the morning for x-ray and hopefully surgery. If the x-ray shows cancer, no surgery. So we are hoping and praying no cancer!

Pippin sat in the front seat on the way back down

Pippin on the way home

Alligator Alley

Alligator Alley South

till we got home. Then everyone who didn’t go was very happy to see Pippin and Helen, and wondered where Ginger was. After explaining that Ginger would be home tomorrow, everyone got very hungry. An hour later, dinner was served by Chef Helen.

But one bowl was empty for this night. And it’s only one night, but it’s a very lonely bowl and a lonely space where our Ginger sleeps and fills our hearts.

Good night Ginger. See you tomorrow.

Thank you Amy and Jude.

Ginger and Jude