
Evolution and the Ethics and Empathy of Dogs

While stuffing Kongs yesterday, one of the NPR shows I listened to was Weekend America. There is a segment called “Good News, Bad News, No News,” where the announcer reads a story and three journalists on the panel comment if they think the story is worthy of news by giving it one of the three labels. The show this week, August 23, 2008, had a story about how dogs have learned ethical behavior from humans. A team of reasearchers in Budaphest made this discovery back in 2000 or 2003! There should be a fourth category to this game – old news! Of course, the panel poo-pooed the idea, being they are probably fearful that a dog could eventually if not already hold higher ethics than the press itself. I already see a great decrease in human empathy as I have matured from one decade to the next. My dogs are much more empathetic than many people I run into in this area of the world. Call me jaded.


I searched on the Internet for some information at the root of this discovery. Below are a couple of sources I found. This is very interesting. Luigi, for one, oftentimes looks at me when he is in a bind with one of his toys, or if his Kong is on the counter out of reach. Or he’ll bark to call me in from another room, then I will ask him “What’s wrong,” and he’ll look at the problem, and bark to tell me he needs help fixing it.

Has Evolution Taught Our Dogs New Tricks?

LONDON (Reuters)—Thousands of years of joint evolution have made man’s best friend into one of the family, an article in the journal New Scientist said on Wednesday [1 March 2000]. Research even indicates that dogs could empathize with the emotions of people who were sad or ill. Research carried out by scientists in Budapest indicates that dogs develop bonds with their owners as children do with their parents, the journal said. “What we found is that just as babies display a variety of levels of attachment towards their parents, dogs also show different levels of attachment to their owner,” Adam Miklosi of the Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest told Reuters. A study called the “strange situation test” demonstrates that babies are happy to explore a new environment as long as their mother is nearby but become anxious if she leaves. Miklosi found the same behavior in dogs. In 1997, researchers in the United States used DNA techniques to estimate that dogs may have been domesticated as long as 135,000 years ago—previously scientists had thought dogs became domesticated only 14,000 years ago. Thousands of years of co-existence have influenced dogs to become dependent on humans, Miklosi said in the New Scientist article. “The stronger the attachment between a dog and its owner . . . the more likely the pet was to behave in a socially dependent way, relinquishing its powers of independent thought and action,” the New Scientist said. Selective breeding of dogs over time has produced animals that form strong bonds and are predisposed to learn and obey rules, New Scientist said. “The dog’s natural environment is the human family or other human social settings,” the head of the Budapest team, Vilmos Cysani, said in the magazine article. Prolonged exposure to humans has also made dogs more responsive to human gestures than other animals which are purportedly more “intelligent” such as chimpanzees, the journal said. For instance, dogs are even better than chimpanzees at interpreting gestural clues and seem to understand what a human means when he points somewhere. Chimpanzees cannot, Miklosi said, though he pointed out long exposure could change that. More controversially, Cysani said his team’s research indicates dogs could empathize with the emotions of people who were sad or ill. He even goes so far as to compare canine bonding with human love, New Scientist said.


How Did He Learn to Speak Volumes With a Look?

By Rob Stein
Washington Post Staff Writer
As any poodle, spaniel or mutt owner knows, dogs have an uncanny ability to read human body language, whether it’s following a finger pointing the way to an errant tennis ball or spotting a glance that signals an imminent trip to the park.

But animal behavior experts have debated for years how much of this dogged perceptiveness is inborn and how much is learned by being raised around humans. New research, however, indicates that the capacity to communicate with humans silently through gestures and glances has become an inborn talent as a result of the thousands of years that dogs have lived, worked and played with people.

Ginger's eyes

“They don’t speak like we do. But there is communication,” said Adam Miklosi of Eotvos University in Budapest.

Miklosi is among researchers around the world who have been working to gain a better understanding of the talents displayed by man’s best friend. Most recently, Miklosi and his colleagues conducted a unique experiment to try to tease out exactly how much of the capacity to interpret humans’ subtle signals is instinctive.

“People usually assume that dogs got more stupid because humans provided everything. All they have to do is lie back and enjoy life,” Miklosi said. “What we think is that dogs went through a re-evolution that started from some sort of wolflike animals. . . . They acquired skills that make them adaptive to the human environment. They interact with humans. They learn from humans.”

To test his ideas, Miklosi and his colleagues designed an experiment comparing dogs with their closest relatives — wolves. They took 13 wolf pups from their mothers when they were just four or five days old and raised them in human homes just like puppies. As adults, the wolves received intensive contact with their human caretakers, who literally carried the animals with them wherever they went.

Previous studies had shown that adult dogs were better than adult wolves at reading human body language. But it was unclear how much of that was inborn and how much dogs learned growing up around humans. This experiment was aimed at clarifying that point.

“The wolves got more human contact than the ordinary dogs got from their owners,” Miklosi said in a telephone interview. “They were really thrown into the human environment.”

The researchers then trained the wolves and various breeds of dogs to get a piece of meat by pulling on a string. After the animals learned how to get the meat, the researchers attached the string so that no matter how hard the animals pulled they could not get the meat.

The wolves just continued to pull on the string in frustration. But the dogs quickly stopped pulling when the string did not move and turned to look at the faces of the humans, the researchers reported in the April 29 issue of the journal Current Biology.

“The dogs gave up much earlier. They were, very quickly, looking at the humans, the owners, looking at their faces,” Miklosi said. “That is what is interesting. That never happened with the wolves. They just kept pulling. But the dogs, what they did was basically look at the owners. If you observe this as a human, you would describe it as an asking-for-help gesture.”

The experiment shows that “the dogs have adapted to use this channel” of communication, Miklosi said. “This has provided the opportunity to communicate with us. And the wolves have not,” he said.

“The dogs have learned our language, to some extent. So we don’t need to learn dog language. They can use our channels of communication, like vision,” Miklosi said. “You can point for a dog and communicate with it. You can point for a wolf, but it won’t understand what you are doing.”

Brian Hare of Harvard University, who previously conducted a similar experiment that showed dogs were superior to chimps and wolves at reading human gestures, said the results show that “dogs really understand that humans are their partners in life. They can elicit their help and use them as a kind of tool.”

“Wolves don’t know that. They keep trying to solve it on their own. It’s something that’s programmed into their genes,” Hare said. Hare is planning a follow-up experiment to try to determine why dogs are so much better at reading human cues.

“It could be that because there was selection for dogs that are smart — dogs that can read human cues and figure out what they want,” Hare said. “Those were the ones that survived and passed their genes on.”

But another possibility is that dogs’ ability is a byproduct of domestication. Hare tells the story of foxes that were domesticated in Siberia 50 years ago. Over the generations, the foxes developed physical changes, including floppy ears, curly tails, different colorings and smaller teeth and jaws.

The human caretakers of the foxes “weren’t trying to create any of those changes. They were just trying to get friendly foxes. But when they bred them together they got these changes as byproducts,” Hare said.

So, for dogs, “the alternative is that when dogs were domesticated,” the capacity to pick up cues from humans “was just an accident — just like the floppy ears,” Hare said.

Hare plans to compare the domesticated foxes with dogs to try to find out. “If they perform like dogs on the test, then we know it’s likely the dogs also changed as a byproduct,” Hare said.

“The question is: How did the evolution happen? It’s very rare that you can actually demonstrate what the selection pressure was,” Hare said. “That’s why this is so exciting. We’re going to take a big step towards solving a mystery.”

Marc Bekoff, a dog behavior researcher at the University of Colorado in Boulder, said that Miklosi’s experiment shows that “dogs aren’t just dumbed-down wolves.”

“A lot of people think that domesticated animals, when compared to wilder animals, aren’t as smart,” Bekoff said. “It shows that species adapt to the social niche in which they live. And the social niche for a dog would be its human companions.”

Helen and Regis

Bekoff said this ability probably helps explain the sense that many dog owners have that their animals empathize with their emotions. Dogs can pick up the subtle physical clues that signal what their human companions are feeling, whether it’s happiness, sadness, anxiety or anger.

“I think part of the reason there is this strong bond between dogs and humans is because we are empathetic to them and they show empathy to us,” Bekoff said.

“We can never know for sure. But I’ve done a lot of work on animals’ emotions. Animals and humans share a lot of the same neurological structures and the same neurochemistry. I think it’s really dog empathy.”

Fay’s on Our Minds

Annie checks out the Kongs En garde!

Our Kongs arrived last week! Annie checked them out. Raven and Luigi had a dispute over who should touch them first. Neither won. I touched them first. I was going to stuff them all this weekend, but being there is the possibility of a Hurricane Fay, I had other things to get done.

I had to take down a tree that was around 15 feet tall. It was in a bucket, and the roots dug into the ground. I had intended on tipping it over and easing it out of the ground to replant; however, that’s not what happened.

Large tree peeking over the power and phone lines to the house

What happened was when I tipped it over it did exactly what I was trying to avoid by taking it out of the ground before the hurricane got it. It got tangled up in the phone and electric lines to the house. Now this was not a pleasant experience for me. I had to pull the ladder over and take out the tree limb clippers and get up there on the ladder with that tree cutting thing to cut the tree out. I kept thinking, “Please don’t let me die by getting shocked.”

Well, my mantra paid off, and I didn’t get a shock, but I did realize that I couldn’t cut the roots out of the ground with my bread knife, nor a steak knife. I was lead to the shed where the electric saw was. I’d never used it, and hoped to God I didn’t have to go through an hour-long reading of directions as I did a few weeks ago with that other electric saw that I ended up not using. I just wanted to separate that tree from the roots. Period.

Stump Pieces of tree

I opened the box, and there were ants in there and a direction booklet that started in Spanish. That annoyed me. If it’s sold in Lowe’s here in Florida, English should be first. Whatever. I paged over and found the English part, then threw it off and decided to go for it without instructions. It was hot and humid and I was getting cranky. After I set everything up, I figured out how to start the thing and shizaam! I separated that tree from the roots, and then cut it up into sections to throw away. There was no way I could dig a hole for that tree as big as it was and haul it around. Just not gonna happen. So I said sianara.

Luigi and Ginger - Luigi wants that ball! Ollie and Luigi want Ginger’s new used basketball

During the process, I found a basketball dog toy, which Ginger quickly claimed though both Luigi and Ollie thought it should be theirs. Wrong! It’s all hers!

Bunny’s necklace is Raven’s favorite toy Bunny’s necklace is Raven’s favorite toy

Speaking of toys, somehow, Bunny Butt Taylor got Raven’s toy around her neck this morning and was wearing it around like a necklace. I noticed it when I was delivering breakfasts. She’s a peach, that Bunny Butt!

Dinner time.


Training, Trees, and Other Goings-On

Tonight I started working on Raven’s sit stays more seriously. She and I are signed up for that beginning agility class in September, and I suppose it’s time to settle some manners into the Raven. So we worked sit stays where she did very well, staring at me for 10-second intervals between clicks and treats. We ended on a 15-minute sit stay and she got a jack pot. Then we did a handful of treats worth of touch the dumbbell on the floor. What a doosie of a pup!

Raven’s not so innocent stare

Meanwhile, there is something about that look of hers that I often wonder about. Of course, this picture was taken when she had a right to give me such a look. OK, so I had to remove some of the temp fencing around my vegetable garden yesterday and replace it. I use a brick to pound in the new stakes, and I used to have a beat-up towel that I put between brick and stake when pounding. I looked around for something to use that was well-worn and I thought this old Wubba cover was it! Uh huh. I pounded a few times, and something called me away. As soon as I moved off, Raven snatched back her Wubba cover, and this was the resulting look. I guess I deserved it. I decided to pound without a cover, and it worked fine.

Piles of Trees

This morning, thank God, the tree men came back and removed all those tree pieces and chunks of trees from behind the hedge of the yard and put them into the swale for bulk trash pick-up Wednesday. I was so happy that was done! Whilst the two younger men worked, the leader pointed out all the work that he could do in my yard. Yep. I know. But I’m a do-it-yourselfer where I can be due to thriftiness, and taking down 40-foot pines or 25-foot traveler’s palms was not examples of those times. Hence why he got that work.

Ginger eating breakfast amongst her collection of Nylabones and other toys

The FDSP had oatmeal and peanut butter for Sunday breakfast. It was intended to be a treat; however, Baby (the Queen Mother) didn’t like hers. She walked around checking in everyone’s bowl to see if they had the same thing as she did. She was disappointed to find it was so. Ginger loved her breakfast, as did the rest of the FDSP. She has a hobby of picking up stray toys and non-chalantly strolling back to her den with them. That’s why no one has any Nylabones to munch on!

Luigi and his oatmeal

Luigi had a good time eating his breakfast, too. I get the feeling he may have irritated the DoberDiva, though. She is good at spitting especially when she has a mouth full of food that she’s not particularly fond of.

This evening, Luigi and I worked in the kitchen on scent discrimination. I brought out a second metal dumbbell and he and I clicked and treated our way through his selecting the right one each time. However, he has no clue yet, why I click on the one with my scent on it. But he will. He’s Luigi. Bright as they come. He also is in the beginning stages of learning to walk backwards. The light bulb dimly came on for him and me on learning/training walking backwards. For most of our tries, he would step back and as I was clicking, he would be sitting. That is one of the habits we need to correct. I’d like him to tuck sit instead. However, at the end of the session, he stayed standing instead of going into a sit when I clicked his steps backwards.

Now both Raven and Luigi are resting and quietly thinking about what went on with our training tonight, so all that knowledge will be stored in their Dober memory banks.

Baby and Taylor soaking up peace Ollie with his yellow nubby ball

Baby and Bunny Butt absorbed lessons from the Peace Stone this weekend, and Ollie found an old favorite ball to prance around with.  Ollie is one to find a toy that everyone else wants and hog it till either he gets bored, or somehow another dog snatches it away from him.  He’s no fun for playing fetch because of that, but he’s good for keeping other family members occupied when the real Queen Mother wants a break from having a Cuz ball or other toy shoved at her.

Beautiful Raven

By the way, Raven has a new elegantly Dobermann look about her. She does. (It startled me at first.) OK, it’s occasional, but that look has arrived since the Peace Stone fell from the sky and her maturity started kicking in. She’s by no means mature, but she is getting there. She still barks hysterically in her crate when she wants immediate results, but heeds my warnings and closes the yap for 10-15 seconds intervals. Hmmm, that’s the same amount of time she can concentrate on a sit-stay. Maybe we have something there!

It was a fine weekend. I even got further along with building the high jump until the rains kicked in and the instructions got a tad confusing on Saturday. I needed a couple more PVC poles as well, being there was a piece to the construction puzzle I failed to recognize. PVC poles were purchased today, and next weekend, I should be able to complete that high jump. The bar jump will be the last of the set. Alleluia!


Moody Blues

There is going to be a full moon tonight. It’s the Capricorn Moon. We went outside to find it, but didn’t spot it yet.

What a sight! Airplane in the Fort Doberdale pines Black and White Skyscape

As dusk came, so did a huge blanket of clouds. They were magnificent. Their intensity suggested a big storm. We were at the ready to run inside, but all the sky did was sneeze on us. It may have been more intense the further upwards one traveled. The airlines re-routed right over the Fort Doberdale campus.

Lovely red hibiscus Ginger under the moody blue skies

Ginger asked to show the beautiful red hibiscus that bloomed today. “It’s lovely,” she says, “lovely and red just like I am!”

Baby watching the moody blue skies

Baby was fascinated with it all. She will sleep well tonight…on 2/3 of the bed. Meanwhile, we will all go outside to see if we can locate that Capricorn moon once again.


Midnight Morning, Friday the 13th

Ginger’s been living with me for over two years. It took months before she’d go up on the futon, and I had to coerce her there. Even then, she’d only stay long enough until I stopped petting her and issuing her assurances that it would be all right. It took her months more, but she finally started to jump up on the futon at night to share it with Bouchard.

After she was diagnosed with cancer, I decided to start leaving her out of her crate when I was not home. I’d done that before, but had put up an ex-pen across the bedroom door. When I came home to find the siding of the door jam scratched and chewed and the ex-pen down, with Ginger and Bouchard running free all over the house, well, Ginger went back into the crate from then on, while the ex-pen and Bouchard stayed up and in the bedroom. Bouchard can be temperamental, especially with Luigi, so I don’t allow them to share space when I’m not home to supervise.

Bye-Bye Sofa!Well, Ginger’s gotten used to the futon. And she, like other members of the squirrel posse watched the bulk trashman take our beloved, but well-used sofa just two days ago. That means one less furniture piece for the siblings to share. There is the bed and the futon now.

Ginger’s never been on the bed that I can recollect. Recently, I moved some of the crates and dog beds/blankets around in the bedroom. Ginger does not like where I’ve put her bed. I moved a crate close to my bed. Anyone with a house that’s as thrifty on space as mine, learns to stretch furnishings for double duty . A crate is one of those. They make wonderful tables, and dog dens. Ginger’s bed used to be next to mine, now it’s next to the crate next to mine.

I tell you this as we came upon the stroke of midnight, Friday, the 13th of June, 2008. I slept, then I felt a poking nose from the side of the bed. I petted the head, and pulled my arm back in. Then, I thought the sheep I’d been counting earlier were back, as an arch of animal catapulted over the space above me and landed in the middle of the bed. I felt the ears. Ginger’s! She’s the only one at Fort Doberdale with cropped ears that flop.

We were none too comfortable. OK, I was none too comfortable. So I asked her kindly to get off, and I put a dog blanket right next to the bed. By the time I put her on it and reached up for the light, Ginger had jumped back into bed. I tried a second time to relocate her, and explain the bed was too small, but as I laid down, boink! There she was again.

Ginger’s nestThis was far too strange for me to fathom. Why would Ginger, who’s had a furniture phobia, suddenly be so demanding? Was she dying? I swear, that’s what I thought. I’ve never had a dog with cancer. I don’t know the signs. Maybe overly demanding was one of them. I then decided to move us around as best as possible so I could listen to her breathing. She breathed. So did I. Someone snored. And I fell asleep. I woke up. I fell asleep. This pattern was basically what took place during the entire wee hours of the morning and slid us right into the ringing of the phone alarm when I got out of bed with a stiff and painful shoulder. Ginger was still there snuggling the covers. She had a good night. So good, that she stayed in bed so I could take some pictures of her proud moment.

Tonight, I’m going to rearrange the crate and put her dog bed back next to my bed. I hope she understands the concession I’m making and sleeps with it instead of on me.
