
As if the toad episode weren’t bad enough to end yesterday with, this morning, I woke up to more reptilian horrors.

As I washed the pavers and scooped the poop this morning, Bouchard (yes, again, it’s the Frenchmann) sounded the alarm!

“Snake!  Snake!  Snake!”
It was amongst the hoses trying to fit in.

I paced back and forth figuring what to do.  I didn’t want to have to deal with a snake by the spigot!  No no no!  But I didn’t want to kill it either.   But it was going under the house!  That’s when it dawned on me it could end up IN my house!  MoG!  I didn’t have to kill it!  Annie would!  I know, you’re thinking Bouchard was the one who sounded the alarm, but he’s not the doer-inner.  Annie is, and she did.

Then the rest of the FDSP (today, the S is for snake) got to work parading around with the thing.

Eegads!  And I had to pick it up.  All three pieces of it.  YUCK!  Thank goodness for large-sized pooper scoopers!

After I picked up the pieces and put it in the trash barrel with last night’s toad, Bouchard and Luna went looking for more snakes in that hole under the spigot.  Now I have to figure a way to close that hole!  I wonder if duct tape will work.  Hmmm.

Meanwhile, ugh, don’t ask.


About Helen

I'm a Southern California living in South Florida. I've been here for 10 years as of October 1, 2007. No matter where I live, I'm a dog lover, and my breed is the Dobermann Pinscher of the Working Group. I am also fond of the Australian Shepherd of the Herding Group. My life revolves around my dogs, which is something those family members of mine don't understand. So I'm an island in that respect, but have built friendships with those who are doggie lovers and respect the canine as much as I do. Some do rescue, some train in, compete in, and judge AKC trials. The common thread is our dogs are family.

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