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Raven’s Plan

What is Raven looking to get into this time? Besides more trouble, that is.

Raven sets sights on something

Oh, yes. She has finished her treat, and now she wants to get ahold of Bouchard’s – to help him finish it, of course. But Bouchard wants no part of that plan!

Bouchard and his rawhide

State of the Art Security System

Why do I have this absurd looking bungee-cord set-up on the cabinets under my sink?

Top-notch security system

Because I came out of the kitchen into the back yard where I found a gathering of Fort Doberdalians sharing a snack of an SOS pad. The only place these pads are stored is under the sink! Blue stuff was everywhere, being licked from all those places, and the steel wool was carried off by one, Luna, when my face turned red as I boomed, “What the hey is going on here!”


Until I have time to do yet another project, that particular security system for those doors is it!

Tonight, the crows flew by, but were a few houses down, unfortunately, because I was ready for them with my camera.

Flying by

This one felt like taking a break.

A loner

I know the feeling.


The skies are as beautiful as ever in Fort Doberdale…just colder these days.

Cold Skies

Even the crows are flying closer together to keep warm.

Crows are sticking together for warmth

Then there are certain goings-on that remain the same no matter the weather.


She is relentless. You know who.

Babies, It’s Cold Outside

It will be about 39 degrees tonight and it was nippy all day. Last night it was also chillsville. All I can say is this cold weather has turned my babies into monster babies!

Tonight, in less than one hour, the three dobermunks, (akin to the chipmunks), have chewed and scratched up my new donated yearly planner. The leather must have been what drew them to it. No, I take that back. The devils on their shoulders drew them do it. They managed to pull apart and shred the innards of a nearly indestructible toy. And to make their point, have shredded one of three seat cushions on the very well beat up sofa. There was plenty of foam rubber on the living room floor. I thought they were over this destructo stage!

Lately, one of these three has been taking the mail or other paperwork I put up on a table and shredding it. Then there was the double poop in the house today. Once at lunch and once when I came home for the day. I’m not happy with this new behavior. I have to rig it so I can find out who is that culprit. I got some mulch yesterday to fill in the spot where they ran the covering into dirt that turns into mud in the rain. So now several of the girls are eating the stuff no matter how many times I yell at them to get the hey away from that mulch. They are Dober-termites. Just are drawn to it and have to get their fill. I am thinking and wondering if I spray it with vinegar if it will last long enough to repel them. Sheesh!

To top it off, while looking for some cozy warm-up pants to wear tonight, when I pulled the drawer opened, half the front came apart. So yet another project on my never-ending slate of things to do. That last one wasn’t a monster baby at work, it was an omen. 2008 is starting off for me as 2006 did…not a good sign as 2006 was an unpleasant year.

Good grief.