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Clicker Training with Luigi

Luigi and I were practicing our pose for when we win a blue ribbon at a future trial. OK, that’s not the reason were were posing, but it’s what I’m gonna tell you.

Helen and Luigi

Hmmm…all my dogs are sleek. I’m not. I’m going to have to do something about that probably.

Meanwhile, Luigi is not only a hard worker. He is photogenic. Here he is fetching a dumbbell.

You go, Luigi!  You rule, my Italian friend.

Here he is jumping.

Jumping Luigi!

And landing.

Jumping Luigi!

I’m a clicker trainer.


Luigi learned everything he knows in obedience through my click/treat methods. Though when I’m at drill class, I will use a word like “good!” rather than the clicker. The sound of the clicker is not pleasant to everyone’s ear, so why stir the pot? Some people don’t like clicker training for that very reason – the noise of the clicker. But any noise can be the precision marker telling the dog what he is doing at THAT moment is IT! Then the treat follows the marker. It takes practice marking that exact moment. Luigi knows.

I know.

On a side note, years ago, the first dog I used the clicker on was Baby. I was so thrilled when my clicker arrived in the mail. I took it, some treats, and Baby straight outside, and tried it on her. Baby, the Queen Mother Diva, did not appreciate my new clicker. The noise of the first click drove her straight through the opened house door, into the bedroom, and onto her bed, which is sometimes my bed. Ewwkay. She’s grown to appreciate the clicking noise since then, especially as our household has grown. Competition does something special to a Diva. Makes them a little more appreciative of their human. Uh huh. But not that much more. Beauty sleep still outweighs getting up when she’s called…unless she wants to.


I carry a very nice treat bag around for clicker training. It is the best one I’ve found. The opening snaps open and shut, so there’s no messing with strings, clips, or other closing mechanisms when you want to get to that treat fast. Good timing is everything in the clicker world. This is a stock photo. The treat is way too big for clicker treating, by the way. They need to taste a treat, not have a meal, as while doing a clicker session, the handler will be doling out lots of treats.

The Outward Hound Treat And Training Bag

Remember, when the handler doles out treats during training or otherwise during the day, those calories should be considered when doling out other meals. (Note to self: that goes for the human, too.)

I use a humane choke collar when I take my kids off the Fort Doberdale campus to train. This is a collar that can be adjusted to the exact size of the dog’s neck. When the dog pulls, it will not choke him like a traditional choke collar will. This is a stock photo from Coastal, which is the company that makes this particular collar. Others are made with cloth instead of chain. These collars are shamefully not allowed in the AKC obedience rings. Either a buckle collar or a traditional choke collar is allowed there.

Coastal Check Choke in red.  Also comes in blue and black.

Back to Luigi. After he and I finish a training session, he loves playing ball solo with me. That’s the best treat for him. (Baby’s is a Frisbee.)

My new Cuz ball!

I like playing ball with my boy, too. There’s something fun about playing fetch with a dog who brings the toy back, just to chase it again. Not all of the FDSP has that innate behavior. <coughBabycoughDivacough> Differences makes the world go ’round.


Toy Time!

I have been getting the message that one of Raven’s favorite toys is getting well worn.

Raven shows off her favorite toy

Leissl inspected it after laying it atop a border rock.

Leissl inspects well worn toy

Then Raven took it over again and frankly, it had been raining. And when she brought that soggy, well-worn toy into the house, I had to take it and throw it in the washing machine.

Hello?  See my toy?  Can I have a new one, please?

Horrors to Raven! Her beloved toy was in that machine again? So I thought it time to break open a new box of these wonderfully strong soft toys. I got a bunch when they were on a good good sale.

A box of new toys!

(New toys are great, but that doesn’t mean the old ones won’t be put to use after they come out of the washing machine. Like worn shoes that fit right, old toys are comfortable.)

But Raven liked what she saw in that box. Especially the ring.

Is that for me?

The ring is Raven’s favorite of all time. She can play tug-o-war best with it. But Luigi had his eye on it, and his name!

Hmmm…I might like this toy for me.

As long as Raven had her say, though, that ring was hers!


Meanwhile, Baby looked cute as usual. She is always good for a photo opp. As for these toys, well, Baby says if they’re not flying discs, they’re not toys.

I’m so cute.

Annie found out she liked the red tube.

Annie’s toy!  Woohoo!

Yes, she did.


And Lilian was into the blue fish.

Lilian’s fish

These Tuffies Pet Toys last a long time here at Fort Doberdale, which is a good thing because the Fort Doberdale Squirrel Posse put their toys to work everyday and we need long-lasting toys.


Baby’s Arthritic Back

Baby is 10-3/4 years old, and has some bad arthritis in her back. A vet sent us home with some Arthrimaxx in October, 3 month’s worth, but it didn’t help. Baby stands slanted sometimes due to the discomfort.

Baby’s slant

I have been giving Baby 1500 mg of Glucosamine in the morning and at night since the Arthrimaxx, which has done a better job for her. I had heard about another product called Platinum Performance Plus, which is supposed to be excellent. So I called the company to find out the size of tub I should order for Baby.

According to the website, Baby would need 2 TBS a day, but the wonderful people on the Platinum Performance phone lines told me that is a maintenance dose. Baby needs a therapeutic dose, so for two weeks, she will get 2 TBS in the morning and 2 TBS at night. Week three, and thereafter, she will get 3 TBS in the morning and 3 TBS at night. So we got a 10-pound tub. It arrived today, hence my posting.

Leissl shows off the tub of Baby’s Platinum Performance Plus

I thought it was going to be white, but when I opened the lid tonight to give Baby her first serving, surprise! It’s brown.

What Platinum Performance Plus looks like

It has a little blue scoop inside, too. One full scoop is 1 TBS. There is a line within the scoop that measures tsp-sized servings too. It’s very convenient.

Blue scoop - full is 1 TBS

The website says to use the product within 5 months. Fresh is better. The phone support person, told me to keep it in the refrigerator for better freshness.

Baby had her first dose in her dinner tonight and liked it. I did, too, much better than the Arthrimaxx. I didn’t like the way Arthrimaxx tasted. Platinum Peformance looks and smells like something you could put in yogurt…there’s no scent! Maybe I’ll try it.

The bucket came in the mail solo. That saves on shipping costs and paper usage because no need to put the product in a box to mail. I called the company when I found out there was no packing slip/invoice attached to the bucket. They told me it would come in the mail.

Baby is going to keep us informed on how Platinum Performance does for her. She’s always willing to give a product review. OK, she is a Diva, so maybe not always. But when she feels like it, and eventually she’ll feel like it.
Baby will keep us informed

Helen, Baby’s mom



I talked to the MB-F people, who are superintendants for Friday’s AKC trial, and they said Baby’s and my entry arrived after closing – at 2:25 – and they closed entries at noon, so they sent it back to me.  Wow.  That’s a first.  I think I even Fedexed it, but I can’t pull Fedex up on the Internet this morning (infuriating!), so can’t check on that.

A little later in the day, I got a letter from the MB-F people.  A letter?  I mean a strip of paper with my check.  Now on the paper they say the entry got there on 2/25!  Which 225 was it?  I don’t know.  But I mailed the entry through US mail, as Fedex finally came up on the Internet and no record of my sending to MB-F was listed.  Now if I mailed our entry through US mail from Broward county to Brooksville, which is in Hernando county, on the 18th of February, one would think it would take only a day to get from here to there.  Seven days?  It’s a 4-1/2 hour drive!  Where’s my Rescue Remedy!

This is yet another entry for the People Plan and God Laughs category.  I asked to take off Friday from work even.  Eeewww kay, did I already say


Sibling Rivalry

Bouchard got irate with something Luigi did this evening. You can see the steam coming out of his ears if you look closely enough, squint, and blow puffs of air from your mouth when it’s below 40 degrees.

Bouchard is upset

I didn’t see what transpired prior, but when I stepped outside, Bouchard was prancing and ready to take some action on the “innocent” Luigi. I told him to knock it off, but he had a bug up his butt and continued to strut around Luigi, trying to egg the Italian on. Luigi ignored him because whatever he did to get Bouchard in this state of mind was done, and so was Luigi’s work. That boy can focus when he has a job to do.

Luigi’s beautiful eyes

Luigi loves to get Bouchard in trouble. Loves loves loves it! And Bouchard keeps falling for it. And so it goes, Luigi got Bouch in trouble again. Bouchard had to go into a crate behind an ex-pen closed room because he wouldn’t stop his posturing. He barked. I told him to stop. He stopped. A few minutes later, we went through the same thing. Eventually, when he was quiet, I let Bouchard out of the crate and he had to stay behind the ex-pen for a few minutes. When I let him out, he still had the bug up his butt for Luigi.

I’m watching you, brother.

He walked around Luigi and Luigi ignored him. Luigi just kept his eyes ahead and held onto his blue Dino Cuz ball. Bouchard held his chest out like a peacock, walked around, peed on whatever needed pee, came back to taunt Luigi, who was the image of innocence through this whole dance he choreographed.

I’m Luigi!  You gotta love me!

I had to go into the kitchen, and Luigi came with me while I doled out dinner. Bouchard strutted back and forth a few times, and Luigi put his blue Dino on the top of a bin. Bouchard walked by, stopped in front of the blue Dino and poked it straight on as if saying, “I could take this if I wanted to.”


Sister did that make me laugh! Though I couldn’t laugh out loud, or Bouchard would be hurt. Bouchard had a very real bone to pick with Luigi and was trying his best to set Luigi straight on his feelings while obeying Fort Doberdale’s premier rule – absolutely no fighting.

After the Cuz ball poke, Bouchard settled down. That was his triumph. He also hung around the kitchen a little more than usual while I fixed dinner just to show that he could be anywhere he wanted to be, even if Luigi was there. And Luigi acted the cool cucumber with the sausage snout and (not so) innocent looking, big brown eyes.


They’re my boys, and boys will be boys.  Sibling rivalry is a very real part of their relationship, and my keeping one step ahead of them is what keeps the peace.  Now where’s the Rescue Remedy?
