Baby said it’s time we updated the blog about some aspects of our vegetable garden.
The sweet potatoes are doing very well. The vines are spreading out, and I have no idea what to look for as far as where the potatoes will be. No idea.

Now what I assume is going to happen here with the summer squash is those blooms are going to turn into squash.

The vines are taking over. I had to put some buckets in front of them to steer them away from the edge of the fence where the boy dogs more than occasionally hoist and peep!

This one, I’m not sure it if is squash or pumpkin. It’s the only one of its kind that popped out!

This corn is the biggest one. There are others. The sad part of this picture is to the left of the corn is a wilting plant. It was a wee-ones pumpkin vine. It even had flowers on it. Something happened because the vine was snapped off. I put the broken piece back into the ground, but am not holding out much hope. So yesterday, I put another seed in that spot.

I also put more pumpkin seeds around the FD campus, as I’m not seeing enough pumpkin vines. These are more summer squash. Doing well!

Sam is looking good, too. I was at Home Depot yesterday, exchanging yet another lifetime warrantied hose that bubbled up and expired – in 2 months! And this Home Depot had a lot of Sam-type plants, in orange and blue containers, but none of the plants looked as healthy as and were frolicking like Sam.
That’s our gardening update.