
Baby? Are you going to stay?

Baby was spectacular on her recalls tonight. So much so, that during the 1-minute sit, which our club practices for 3-minutes for the Open dogs, Baby ran to me twice! Now this was after the 1.5 minute mark, as I had asked the drill class instructor to let me know at the halfway point. I went back to my dog then, my dog being Baby Puss Doberdiva, and gave her a cookie, let her get up, and I put her back in a sit. Why did I do all that? Because I am so worried that her arthritis is paining her, I don’t want her to have to sit for longer than she has to if she is uncomfortable. But truly, she took advantage of this. By the time I got back in the line of handlers, turned around, Baby ran to me…full speed. Had this been a recall, I would have been thrilled. But the purpose of a sit stay is the STAY part, though the sit part is relevant.

I asked my friend to take Baby back in line, and she did. She sat her for me, and Baby looked appalled! I thought that would be that, and it was. For me! Baby came running to me a second time. OK, I was not going to give her a treat for that. No no no.

Before class, I had fed Baby half a dinner bowl sized portion being there was another half a dinner bowl sized portion in my treat bag, and she knew it. I had pan friend 4 chicken tenderloins for the Queen Mother yesterday. Chicken is one favorite food of Baby, aka the Recall Specialist. Mostly. Baby wanted more treats. More food. More more more. She chopped me during the times she wasn’t eating tonight. She’s a dream.

Meanwhile, I had to work her recalls vs stays after drill class was over. This was a series of do-overs being Baby ran to me every 3 or so times before I said, “Baby come!” #*&@#$!! I got a lot of exercise walking back and forth to put Baby in “her place” tonight.

Most importantly, to Baby, she has a new title. Baby’s previously troubling courtship with the recall – to come or not to come – is now replaced with the arbitrary stationary refusal phenomenon aka “to stay or not to stay syndrome.” Being I will now be worrying if she is going to STAY or not until the moment the answer comes on Saturday, Baby’s new title is the Creative Goddess. She gets me worried over something new and delicious every other week or so. She’s the best.

Baby: Diva and Creative Goddess

God bless creative souls.


Clicker Training with Luigi

Luigi and I were practicing our pose for when we win a blue ribbon at a future trial. OK, that’s not the reason were were posing, but it’s what I’m gonna tell you.

Helen and Luigi

Hmmm…all my dogs are sleek. I’m not. I’m going to have to do something about that probably.

Meanwhile, Luigi is not only a hard worker. He is photogenic. Here he is fetching a dumbbell.

You go, Luigi!  You rule, my Italian friend.

Here he is jumping.

Jumping Luigi!

And landing.

Jumping Luigi!

I’m a clicker trainer.


Luigi learned everything he knows in obedience through my click/treat methods. Though when I’m at drill class, I will use a word like “good!” rather than the clicker. The sound of the clicker is not pleasant to everyone’s ear, so why stir the pot? Some people don’t like clicker training for that very reason – the noise of the clicker. But any noise can be the precision marker telling the dog what he is doing at THAT moment is IT! Then the treat follows the marker. It takes practice marking that exact moment. Luigi knows.

I know.

On a side note, years ago, the first dog I used the clicker on was Baby. I was so thrilled when my clicker arrived in the mail. I took it, some treats, and Baby straight outside, and tried it on her. Baby, the Queen Mother Diva, did not appreciate my new clicker. The noise of the first click drove her straight through the opened house door, into the bedroom, and onto her bed, which is sometimes my bed. Ewwkay. She’s grown to appreciate the clicking noise since then, especially as our household has grown. Competition does something special to a Diva. Makes them a little more appreciative of their human. Uh huh. But not that much more. Beauty sleep still outweighs getting up when she’s called…unless she wants to.


I carry a very nice treat bag around for clicker training. It is the best one I’ve found. The opening snaps open and shut, so there’s no messing with strings, clips, or other closing mechanisms when you want to get to that treat fast. Good timing is everything in the clicker world. This is a stock photo. The treat is way too big for clicker treating, by the way. They need to taste a treat, not have a meal, as while doing a clicker session, the handler will be doling out lots of treats.

The Outward Hound Treat And Training Bag

Remember, when the handler doles out treats during training or otherwise during the day, those calories should be considered when doling out other meals. (Note to self: that goes for the human, too.)

I use a humane choke collar when I take my kids off the Fort Doberdale campus to train. This is a collar that can be adjusted to the exact size of the dog’s neck. When the dog pulls, it will not choke him like a traditional choke collar will. This is a stock photo from Coastal, which is the company that makes this particular collar. Others are made with cloth instead of chain. These collars are shamefully not allowed in the AKC obedience rings. Either a buckle collar or a traditional choke collar is allowed there.

Coastal Check Choke in red.  Also comes in blue and black.

Back to Luigi. After he and I finish a training session, he loves playing ball solo with me. That’s the best treat for him. (Baby’s is a Frisbee.)

My new Cuz ball!

I like playing ball with my boy, too. There’s something fun about playing fetch with a dog who brings the toy back, just to chase it again. Not all of the FDSP has that innate behavior. <coughBabycoughDivacough> Differences makes the world go ’round.


Raven’s First Targeting Lesson

Here are some pictures of Raven’s first lesson on her way to learning to ring the door bells. She first has to learn to target. That is to touch her nose on an object. I will use my palm as the target today.

First, I lure her to touch my hand by concealing a treat.

Luring Raven to touch

After she catches on, I keep the treats in the treat bucket, instead of my hand. When she touches, I click and grab a treat for her from the bucket. She’s doing a good job.

Raven gets the idea and touches again

When I walk away for a moment, and turn around, what do I find? Raven up to her usual antics!

Sneaky move

We end the session on a high note. Raven is still looking to do more. When we start next time, she will associate my palm, the clicker and treat bucket with a really good feeling from her first training session.

Raven after the session

Raven’s an eager Dober-beaver!