
The Moon

Here is a picture of the lovely moon.

Her Majesty, The Beautiful Moon

She cast some fantastic moon shadows. I was unable to capture them on my digital camera, but we enjoyed their magical shapes in person.

A Saturday with Raven and Other Surprises

I had noticed a suspicious vine growing in the middle of the no-dog zone weeks ago. (No-dog zone, ain’t that a laugh?) Today, a bulging cylindrical thingie caught my eye.

What’s this?

Upon closer inspection, there were multiple bulging cylindrical thingies of varying sizes attached to the suspicious vine.

A revealing closer inspection

I picked the one that most resembled a pickling cucumber, and called it that.


Meanwhile, Pippin wants what Raven’s having.

Oh yum.

Speaking of Raven…

Raven vs The Machine

She’s made a hole in the fence that keeps dogs out of the no-dog zone!

Raven’s fence debacle

She continues to foil Luigi’s genius moves.

Raven will never get my ball here!


Raven steps in to foil Luigi’s safe-and-sound plan.

And claims his toys whenever she has an opening. She’s the Queen of Finding Openings.

All mine! (That’s what you think!)

Oliver tried to intercede on Luigi’s behalf to retrieve the ball.

Oliver’s valiant attempt to retrieve the coveted Cuz ball from Raven’s snoot.

Though Oliver’s effort was unsuccessful, Luigi appreciated the effort.

Luigi’s POV

Luigi must try again. It’s like Groundhog Day around here.

Luigi is a diehard!

Raven’s definitely in tune with another part of the Universe. Just look at the orb in this picture right over her ear. Must be the reason she can’t listen so well.

Raven’s Ear Orb

There are certain times I have a primo picture right in front of me, and all I have to do is snap. Then Raven comes along.

Raven brings her tail in

Look at the papaya tree next door.

Neighbor’s papaya tree

Closer. It’s so top heavy!

Look at all those papayas!

Mine would have been so fruitful had Raven not rammed it over months ago. How do I keep my hands from going around her neck everyday, I do not know.

Annie has that stressed-out look on her face.

Smile, Annie!

I wonder why. Must be the holidays.

Ginger’s got a grip on her ball. No way Raven or anyone else is getting her stuff!

Ginger’s possession

No freaking way!


I am on a synchronicity roll.

Last week at work, I had been speaking to a co-worker on my way to the kitchen for some ice and water. I picked the exact moment to leave the conversation, get to the kitchen where I had to open the door to the ice machine, find the same twit had thrown the scoop into the ice instead of putting into the slot on the side. I knew who the twit was. A few days earlier, I had gone into the kitchen just after the ice machine door was slammed, and the scoop thrown into the ice. Chasing him down and tackling him to explain about sanitary use of communal kitchen tools may have given me a bad reputation, so I didn’t.

This day, I pulled a paper towel off and shoved my hand in with it to pull out the well-buried ice scoop. I happened to be pulling it out and cursing right at the moment when the twit came in for ice. I was then able to vent to him innocently about the morons who can’t even put the scoop back.

This morning, I had come to work late. I am usually a very prompt and in-my-chair-at-8:30 kind of employee. <cough cough> But I had a good reason to be late, which will be my 3rd example of recent synchronity. The 2nd follows. I had gone into the hallway looking for today’s newspaper, which belonged to my boss. Just as I realized it was gone, the culprit…er, person who removed it came along and I mentioned to him that someone took off with my bosses’ paper, again. This happens when he is travelling. Well, he told me he had it. The timing was impeccable.

This brings me to number three, which is a little bigger. I had just been e-mailing someone last week about how I seldom see fawn Dobermann in rescue. The other colors outnumber them. I had remembered one, ONE!, in several years. So this morning, as I pulled unusually late out of my driveway and drove two houses down to the corner, do you know what was there? A handsome fawn Dobermann, fully intact, no collar, no ID, nothing. He was naked and discussing his day with the elderly man who was walking his 50-pound Italian Greyhound. I have never seen a fat IG till I moved to this neighborhood.

After discerning the dog was not his, I asked if he could persuade him to hang around while I backed down the street to get a sturdy leash and collar. By the time I did that, this man and the dogs had walked a 3-block length. How nice!

I started walking fast. Then when in sight, I did something I should not do. I ran. OK, sort of a run. Then when I figured that was a big mistake, I whistled. My whistle is by no means extraordinary. In fact, it’s rather pitiful, but it did get Mr. Fawn’s attention, in addition to the old man and his fat IG. I heard the man exclaiming about how he couldn’t keep up with the Dobe and was watching him. Uh huh.

Well, I am happy to say that this Dobie fellow met me half way. I put a lovely rose printed Lupine humane slip collar on him, and walked him back to my house. I thought I could leave him in the back yard while I went to work.

Handsome fellow

That idea did not pan out. He was scratching the fence and its door, and I was certain I’d have a gaping hole and no Dobie by the time I got home.

He is another youngster that is very full of himself. I figured this out while I was in the backyard figuring out other things. Like how to get to work, save this dog’s life, not intermingle him and my dogs, and that’s when I saw he had quite a tummy ache. He had a bit of diarrhea. So that kept me busy, throwing down Clorox and hosing off the spots he chose to decorate. While in between, he marked every favorite spot my boys have to mark and a few new ones.

Pee-peeing Dobie Boy

I decided the best thing was to take him to the shelter before work, so I hauled Raven’s crate out of the house and put it in the bed of my truck. I then got full cooperation with Mr. Fawn who jumped right on the back of the truck! Unfortunately, I couldn’t fit him in while Raven was still in the crate, so my evil scheme to innocently drop Raven at the shelter didn’t pan out.

OK, I’m kidding. I took Raven out of the crate before I put the crate in the truck and Mr. Fawn in the crate.

Here he is…ready to go!

Do you think I could lift that crate up with her in it? Nope. So I played musical crates and Ginger’s crate housed Raven. Raven was not happy, so later in the day, she took it out on Luigi and shoved her nose up his lips when playing tug-o-war with the Halloween Cuz ball.

Raven shoving her nose up Luigi’s lip.  Luigi’s a saint!

I dropped off Mr. Fawn and put a deposit on him. If the owner doesn’t claim him in 4 days, FDPRR will get him. That will be without the balls he carried in with him, and I’m not talking Cuz balls. He really needs to be clipped now before he gets too carried away with his wild and roaming instincts, which could to lead to habit, and harder to break. Not to mention, it’s healthier for him in the long run.

You may be thinking, why take him to a shelter? My local shelter is one of the good ones, keeps disease down low, and has a staff who cares about the animals. It gives the owner a chance to find his dog, and if the dog isn’t found, the dog will be neutered, vaccinated, heartworm tested, dewormed, tatooed, and given any antibiotic he may need. The rest of the vetting and care he may need will go on after that, but this is a good start.

When I returned to work, the lovely and friendly parking attendant asked me why I was so late. I explained, and she told me she had a chihuahua type pup she needed someone to take because she can’t have it in her 4 bedroom house. She has 3 other dogs and a small yard. Never mind…let’s not go there. I told her just to send the picture to me, and we’ll see who might have a rescue spot for it. I must remember to be more creative when I tell people the truth.

When I returned home for our daily lunch break, I had to clean Raven’s crate out with Clorox and water, and hose with disinfectant as much of the pee spots as I could remembe. But all that didn’t cover up the fact that we had an intact male in the back yard. The other boys sniffed around in disgust and insult.

Inspector Luigi

After work, I came home and my Doberchildren and I enjoyed the beautiful South Florida sunset. I will never tire of Mother Earth’s canvas.

Beautiful South Florida Sunset

Nor will I tire of Her sense of humor at times like when She sends the Golden Frog with a klunk to land on the pitch dark window right in front of me. Eeek!

Golden Frog pays a visit

Handsome character! And another point of synchronicity. Had I not been sitting at the window at the moment of contact, I wouldn’t have enjoyed that moment of exhilaration when my heart jumped and jived.
