
Luigi’s Caper

I fed everyone this morning, and in certain dishes, I put a frozen Kong.

Lilian’s Kong

This would be for Lilian,

Taylor’s Kong

Taylor, and Raven.

Raven’s Kong

Then there’s Luigi. I put his frozen Kong on the counter. He gets a special diet due to he is a Calcium Oxalate dog. His body makes bladder stones of such. So he gets a bowl of home made specialties and distilled water for breakfast. I am not plopping a Kong in that to have him carry it off to smear the futon sheets!

I put Luigi’s Kong on the counter, and before I leave, I give him his Kong. This is also so the boy Dobies are put into their bedroom, and King Luigi has run of the rest of the house. No arguments.

Luigi’s Kong

So I am rushing around the house, trying to make my exit, and I stop and see Mr. Luigi enjoying his Kong on the futon already! Yum oh yum yum yum. I had to stop and examine my own sanity. Did I give him that Kong? I don’t recollect giving him that Kong. I did not give him that Kong! That means only one thing. That rascal got up on that counter and helped himself to that Kong!

Well, he knew it was for him, but geesh. That is just unacceptable. I have to find a better hiding place for his next breakfast Kong.


Seeds and Seedlings

These were the last seeds I put in the ground.  This happened on Friday, May 23.  The back of the packet has directions, but I wish it had a box for light.  Instead I have to search through the directions to see which sort of sunlight the seeds prefer. 

Milano Black squash goes here.
Gentry squash goes here. 

All the seeds are in the ground now, and none too soon! 

Luigi makes salad with potted plant and orange cuz ball Luigi is making a salad using a potted plant and his orange Cuz ball.  Mon Dieu!

Taylor and Dr. Kuchar of South Federal Animal Hospital

Last night, I used the Furminator on Taylor.  You see, I took her to the vet on Wednesday to get a snippet of a stitch that was sticking out of her belly clipped off.   OK, I was really there to say so-long to my vet, who is having her second child and leaving the practice she’s done business at for 8 years, and her husband and she are moving back to Lansing, Michigan.  That didn’t really matter to Taylor, though, because she is inherently uncomfortable about being around vets.  I am too, but only because I come out of there usually so much poorer!

Dog hair as pest control?

When I went to work on Wednesday morning, I found Taylors fuzz all over the seat covers.  That’s why the Furminator came out last night.  And I’d heard that dog hair keeps varmints away, so I threw it on the place I’d planted the corn. 

More Sprouts!
A sprout!

This afternoon I took some pictures, and upon close inspection, I found some sprouts already!  Yeehaw!  I think they are squash.


Feelings, Woe Woe Woe, Feelings

I can't believe you want me to do that routine again.

I put the leash on Baby today, and told her it was practice for tomorrow.  I mentioned that she and I will be going to Miami to do the Novice class (again).  I told her this was her photo opp to show the world how enthusiastic she is about this new chance for her to get that 3rd leg and earn her Companion Dog title.  Does this look like enthusiasm?

What?  I’m not going?  What? 

The next step was quite unpleasant.  I had to tell Leissl, the movie star, that she was not going.  Well, this is the look she gave me.  “Where’s my Rescue Remedy?  I need a slurp!”

 I love my new yellow ring!   Memorial Day Weekend Gifts

Taylor’s been humming zip-a-dee-doo-dah since she got a new yellow ring in the pile of Memorial Day gifts that arrived in the FDSP’s world on Friday.


Methods of Carrying the Loop

Taylor loves carrying her loop around her snoot.  She trots around the Fort Doberdale campus as if she’s a walking picture, framed by her loop.

Taylor and her loop.   Taylor on her rounds   Peek-a-boo!

Raven prefers the below-the-snoot method.  This way if she sees something else she wants, she can drop her loop faster in order to grab her newer interest.

Taylor and Raven running loopy

Lilian’s got a smug mug way with her loop. 
She’s a princess DoberDiva.

Lilian’s loopy, too!
