
Luigi’s Caper

I fed everyone this morning, and in certain dishes, I put a frozen Kong.

Lilian’s Kong

This would be for Lilian,

Taylor’s Kong

Taylor, and Raven.

Raven’s Kong

Then there’s Luigi. I put his frozen Kong on the counter. He gets a special diet due to he is a Calcium Oxalate dog. His body makes bladder stones of such. So he gets a bowl of home made specialties and distilled water for breakfast. I am not plopping a Kong in that to have him carry it off to smear the futon sheets!

I put Luigi’s Kong on the counter, and before I leave, I give him his Kong. This is also so the boy Dobies are put into their bedroom, and King Luigi has run of the rest of the house. No arguments.

Luigi’s Kong

So I am rushing around the house, trying to make my exit, and I stop and see Mr. Luigi enjoying his Kong on the futon already! Yum oh yum yum yum. I had to stop and examine my own sanity. Did I give him that Kong? I don’t recollect giving him that Kong. I did not give him that Kong! That means only one thing. That rascal got up on that counter and helped himself to that Kong!

Well, he knew it was for him, but geesh. That is just unacceptable. I have to find a better hiding place for his next breakfast Kong.


Lilian’s Second Anniversary

Lilian at the shelter waiting to get a rabies shot.  She did not like it there!Today, June 14, is Lilian’s second adoption anniversary. I picked my little Lilian up from an area Animal Services on this day in 2006. I dug back in the photos to share some.

Here she is after I got her out of the dog run. She had to get a rabies vaccine before she left, so this is what we were waiting for. I didn’t have any puppy sized collars or leashes, so she is crawling under a chair with a honker collar and leash attached that looked like they were made for a Mastiff!

I had just mentioned to a few rescuers that I was looking for a black/tan, female, all natural puppy. I wanted her around 3 months or maybe 4 months. I hadn’t seen one like that come through rescue the whole time I’d been doing it, so I figured I would have a long wait. The day I was down at the shelter picking up Ginger’s sister, was the day I saw Lilian. I didn’t want to run through the whole shelter because I knew I would get down about seeing all the ones I couldn’t save. I just had to pick one of many aisles to go down in this large shelter, to get to Ginger’s sister, Duchess. Well, I picked the right aisle, as I was speeding through, there was Lilian wagging her tail and saying hi to me. I yelled for the attendant with me, “Is this one available!” She grabbed the card and told me yes. Wow. I could not believe it. It was as if the law of attraction was at full-blown warp speed. Lilian and I were drawn to each other like whopper magnets.

Here she is at the first moments of freedom.

Freedom! I didn’t know if you were coming or not. You came and I made it out of there!

She is looking so cute, but what I didn’t know was how very sick she was. She came down with pneumonia. The vet at this shelter gave me a Sulfa antibiotic to give her, which, when I did, caused an acute arthritic reaction. Her back knees swelled and she couldn’t walk. She also has an ectopic ureter, which means she leaks sometimes. That’s not like spay incontinence. It’s different. Her plumbing wasn’t put in right. That’s why her crate is next to the back door. So I can let her out fast and first.

Lilian getting her belly full.
Lilian, the Diva Pup
When I got her home, it was apparent she was a DoberDiva, even at this young age. Look at the kisser!

Lilian grown up What a beautiful smile!

And here she is all grown up. She has the most beautiful bewitching eyes. Miss Lilian just got her AKC PAL number in the mail last week and is now eligible to compete in obedience trials. Now for the training!

Happy 2nd Anniversary, my lovely Lilian.


Methods of Carrying the Loop

Taylor loves carrying her loop around her snoot.  She trots around the Fort Doberdale campus as if she’s a walking picture, framed by her loop.

Taylor and her loop.   Taylor on her rounds   Peek-a-boo!

Raven prefers the below-the-snoot method.  This way if she sees something else she wants, she can drop her loop faster in order to grab her newer interest.

Taylor and Raven running loopy

Lilian’s got a smug mug way with her loop. 
She’s a princess DoberDiva.

Lilian’s loopy, too!


Several Kong Destuffing Methods Revealed

Let’s look at the way a Kong is tackled by three Fort Doberdalians.  Scroll your mouse over each picture to get the 411 on each step.

First we have Lilian.  She is a flinger.

First I grab it by its lip.   Second, I toss it.   Finally, I stretch my incredibly agile body and my swanlike neck to lick something out!  Yum.

Taylor is a contemplative Kong destuffer.

First, I think about it.   Then I put my little teethies to work.

Then there’s Raven.  Her method is so complicated that we will have to cover it another day when she’s in the mood to share her secrets of Kong destuffing.

I’m busy in here, what do you want?   Come back later when I can talk more.  I’m busy now!


Lilian Un-Freshens the Air

Lilian left a load of poop…well, actually, this is what I surmised happened.  Sometime between the time I left for work this morning and the time I returned for lunch, Lilian farted in her crate and not just air came out.  Yup.

That’s Lilian!  She’s more full of herself than some.

“When Lilian does things like that,” Luigi says, “we all suffer.  The fumes just burst out everywhere!”

“I can’t help it.  Sometimes sheet happens,” Lilian explains.

The bottom line?
Lilian is a blast!
