One night late last week, I was ready to shut my eyes and go to sleep, when I heard Annie’s bark. Rather demanding, might I say. She usually sleeps on the floor in the bedroom, so why I heard her barking from another room, I don’t know. Especially being all she had to do was use her legs to walk to our room.
So, I got up and followed the bark. Then I saw what happened. You see, Annie was in Raven’s crate, when I put that little rascal in for the night. Annie didn’t say a word till she saw where the night wind was blowing, and that wasn’t where she wanted to stay.
Here’s the picture I got, half awake, but you can make out the dilemma. Quite amusing.

On Sunday, I found these two green parrot types hanging about in one of my pine trees. I think they are looking to start a family. I know there are some notches in that tree, though not at all sure if that will suffice for a nest. Though I hope it will!

Well, not sure if he was the one, but someone caught and did in a lizzard on Sunday afternoon. Bouchard is the fellow who got to carry it around and show it off. He tries very hard to be a fantastic Big Lizard Safari Guy, but he falls short of bagging the game. Usually, Pippin or Annie makes the catch, then Bouchard and others display it.
So here is Bouchard, with the trophy. He thinks it’s so lovely, he can’t take his French eyes off it.

And we have Raven, who would like to have that trophy. (What’s new?)

The tail gave Baby quite a bit of trouble. She just couldn’t get it to stop wiggling. Eegads!

Luigi put his toy on a dog blanket that was out drying. He barked at it, and when he realized no one was going to fetch it for him, he took action. (Luna was eye-balling it at that point.)

This pair of doves sat in our dead grapefruit tree for quite a while. Even during a mellow rainstorm.

This is a spider that reminds me of a crab! I stay away from them if I can. They make their webs so transparent that if you don’t see the speck in the middle, boink! But they run away from me as much as I do from them. Yet, I’m the one with web all over my face. Yuck!

Here is the sky on Sunday afternoon. We expected something transformational from this, but it was only a few minutes of sporatic big rain drops in our neighborhood, though I think elsewhere, the weather was more phenomenal.
