Author Archive: Helen

About Helen

I'm a Southern California living in South Florida. I've been here for 10 years as of October 1, 2007. No matter where I live, I'm a dog lover, and my breed is the Dobermann Pinscher of the Working Group. I am also fond of the Australian Shepherd of the Herding Group. My life revolves around my dogs, which is something those family members of mine don't understand. So I'm an island in that respect, but have built friendships with those who are doggie lovers and respect the canine as much as I do. Some do rescue, some train in, compete in, and judge AKC trials. The common thread is our dogs are family.

4th Annual World’s Coolest Dog and Cat Show

Please vote five paws for Bouchard!

dog photo contest

Naughty category
(Yes, that’s a frog in his mouth.)




Please vote five paws for Luigi and Oliver!

dog photo contest

Best Friends category




Vote five paws for Luigi!

dog photo contest

Craziest Tail category

When you click on the links, if you don’t have a log-in,
you’ll be asked to get one.
It will just take a minute to sign up and it’s free!

Then come back here and copy this link to get to

Luigi & Ollie’s page:
And this one to get to

Luigi and the tail’s page:

Because once you sign up, it doesn’t bring you back to their pages.

Please ask your friends to vote, too.
The direct link to this page is:
Thank you!



I still cannot log onto my page on the NaNoWriMo site.  I’m up to 2174 words.  I need more words!  More more more!  Faster faster faster!  Hmmm…can I count those in … naw.  OK. I’m behind, but I’ll catch up.
