Author Archive: Helen

About Helen

I'm a Southern California living in South Florida. I've been here for 10 years as of October 1, 2007. No matter where I live, I'm a dog lover, and my breed is the Dobermann Pinscher of the Working Group. I am also fond of the Australian Shepherd of the Herding Group. My life revolves around my dogs, which is something those family members of mine don't understand. So I'm an island in that respect, but have built friendships with those who are doggie lovers and respect the canine as much as I do. Some do rescue, some train in, compete in, and judge AKC trials. The common thread is our dogs are family.

North Carolina’s Underwhelming Response

Wow! I’m underwhelmed with the responses from the e-mail I sent to the 3 representatives of North Carolina government. Here is what I wrote:


I received an e-mail with a video about the gassing of homeless pets in death tubes in North Carolina. In a day and age when the more humane way of euthanizing through an injection while the dog is being held as it goes to sleep, muzzled or not, is available, why use such a barbaric method for putting these animals to sleep?

I’m doing my best to spread the word that N.C. is still using this frightening method of euthanasia, and am boycotting anything North Carolinian until the governor initiates state legislation banning gassing and this practice is stopped in favor of what the civilized parts of this great nation is doing, injection as mentioned above.

When I hear anyone mention North Carolina, I will let them know how little that state thinks of God’s creatures to put them through such a horrific death. This is appalling.

Helen Verte
Florida, USA

The two that responded wrote the following:
1. On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 5:37 PM, <> wrote:
Please change my email address from to

2. On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 10:03 AM, <> wrote:
Thank you for contacting the office of Governor. We appreciate hearing from you. Your e-mail will be directed to the appropriate individual for a response.

3.  No response from Steve Troxler.


Carly – Rescue





“Well, here I am again…
I thought I could train this new pack to my liking but I came on too strong.


Birdie writes:
“I came into rescue as “Curly” a month ago through no fault of my own,
and was adopted by some great folks,
who gave me a more fitting name of Carly which I really appreciate. The new folks had several
4-legged family members already and I immediately decided I would show my superior bossiness.
This did not go over too well. My new folks were working with me and I was learning my place,
but in the process I jumped one of the little yappy dogs and they were afraid for their safety.


This put me back in rescue, so let me tell you about me.
I am a lovely pure bred 5-year-old Doberlady with all the appendages God gave me. I am a rarity today
I still have my tail. This gives me distinction among other benefits my sponsor can discuss with you.
I am very loving and gentle with 2-legged folks, I will give love and protection to someone
who understands my alpha tendencies and work with me. Take me to obedience class.
I am a very quick learner. Just understand I prefer to be an only kid. I am spayed, up to date on shots,
heartworm negative, my bags are packed and I am ready to come make your home complete.


Interested? Then fill out that app and send it in to quick.
I will make you proud.
I’m foster in Lee county currently.

Carly ended up staying with her friend, Grommit and her new adopters.

Dr. Marty’s Potato Diet to Calm the Innards

On the night of July 4th, I heard someone throwing up. I came into the hallway, and there was Luigi standing over his mess looking dazed. His whole dinner was on the floor. I cleaned it up, and went back to sleep.

He wasn’t looking too well the night of July 5th, but he was eating fine, so we went to sleep. In the morning, he looked dazed still, so I did some acupressure (click here and scroll down to see how it’s done) on him to rev up his bowels. We’d had a peanut hunt on July 4th, which is nothing new, but I wondered if he’d had a blockage by possibly having ate a rock. I had hoped he was smarter than that, though, as he’d never swallowed a rock before even in his zealousness on the peanut hunt days. Did he find too many peanuts and was blocked by the shells? Nah. But I hadn’t noticed any doo-dee from him in a day, so all these thoughts were circulating in my head.

After the acupressure, I was relieved, though a little overtaken, by the voluminous amount of gas he was passing. Wooo doggie! When we went to the back door to go outside, I’d found he’d thrown up his dinner again. Wow. I cleaned it up and we went outside, and I kept an eye on him for signs of doo-dee making. It didn’t take long, as the acupressure kicked in, and there he was, with a puddle of doo-dee. Thank goodness he did it on the rocky soil, so I took the hose and took care of it.

So his back end was opened Yippie! But it was really loose. I searched my mind for some help with fixing his diarrhea and puking by holistic and natural ways. I had tried canned pumpkin before, but that wasn’t as good a fix as I’d thought it would be. Then a recording of Dr. Marty, who airs on channel 112 (Martha Stewart’s vet) Sirius radio, played in my head. He’d given a recipe out for fixing diarrhea many times on the radio, and for once, my memory grasped and retained new information. (It gets harder to do such things as one matures as the wine bottles on the shelf.)

Though I didn’t recollect his mentioning that the recipe would fix the puking aspect, I was going to try it. Luigi hadn’t kept down a dinner in two nights, and I couldn’t figure out why. Then it dawned on me. Though he is Mr. Cool, the Big Luigi, the steady state and pack leader on the Doberboy side of things, he had been upset by the fireworks this year. On July 4th night, when we stepped out for a potty break, the air was like foggy London town. And horrid to breathe. At one point, there was a set of squiggly air fireworks that were blasting and squiggling for so long, that I even wished they’d stop already because it was just overwhelming. At the end of that ostentatious display, I looked around me and found only three of the FDSP outside with me. The rest ran back into the house.

Ollie and Baby, cheers to us! Ollie, the 4th of July boy Ollie and Baby, patriotic buddies

Ollie was the Dober representing the boy side of the pack. He is pretty much as laid-back as they come unless it has to do with going to obedience class where he acts up like an uneducated dawg. Ollie is known as the DoberDivo because he is the second Dober who joined the FDSP, and was trained in Diva/Divo aspects by the Queen Mother Diva Superior herself, Baby. However, she has not gotten through to him that Divos are supposed to be coy and ‘fraid of big bangs. Well, so he’s only part Divo, then.

Leissl, the 4th of July tootsie!

Leissl was the Dober representing the lady side of the pack. She’s the movie star and a very steady personality with most things. She can focus unless there is something in the distance which requires her to be a vigilant Dobermann. She is also a patroler of sorts. Some Dobies patrol to extremes, but Leissl has an equality about her patrolling. Not too much, except on occasions, do I have to tell her to stop it already. Toenails on the tile, click click click, no matter how I trim them. It’s hard to sleep with that clicking going on.

Lilian, a 4th of July rock? Annie Bananio! I see the fireworks!  They’re on my head!

The third member of the FDSP in the midst of the fireworks extravaganza was not an Aussie. She is the one Dober I would never have thought in a million years is as steady under sound and stink distraction as she is because she is also a DoberDiva. The third member is Miss Lilian! She stayed out in the back yard as if it were a lovely spring evening and she was sniffing the magnolia blossoms instead of getting a snout full of noxious fireworks gasses while being bombarded with booms, bangs, and katoons!

Raven, sorta brave, sometimes.

Surprise surprise surprise, though she is a patriotic little rascal, when it came to extreme fireworks – no Raven.

Luigi on the 4th of July Peanut Hunt

Thinking back to that moment reminded me that Luigi was no where to be found. He can take a certain amount of the fireworks, but that extreme moment shook his spirit enough to cause a lot of stress. I had given the usual ones who have trouble with thunder and sounds a good dose of Rescue Remedy prior to the night’s festivities – Baby, Regis, Ginger, Bouchard and Taylor Bunny BunBun. And I did it again on July 5th due to overzealous firework displayers. Luigi was not one of them. He will be in the future, though.

After putting all these pieces together, I found that Luigi was suffering from a bout of nerves that were jangled, and decided to try Dr. Marty’s Potato diet for Luigi to see if it would stay down and get his body back to normal.

These are the ingredients:

Equal parts of sweet potato and regular potato
(Luigi gets red potatoes due to less oxalates than brown ones and he’s a calcium oxalate boy)
A slice of turnip and a slice of leak
Boil in water till done.
Cool and serve.

Luigi watched as I cut up the ingredients and put them into the crock pot. He was especially enamored with the turnip, and probably would have grabbed it and ran with it given the chance. Hours later when his diet was cooked and cooled, he ate it and it stayed down. He had another serving for breakfast, and has enough leftover from the crockpot of the Potato Diet for dinner and maybe even breakfast tomorrow.

It’s another good thing presented through the Martha Stewart radio channel. It works! Thank you, Dr. Marty.


J and J Dog Supplies

Tonight is the last night – like 2 more hours – of the FREEDOM sale at JandJ Dog Supplies. They have a few items that are on sale for 10% off. JandJ is a dog obedience retailer that shows up at some specialty dog shows, not in my area, but you can also buy their wonderful stuff on-line. This weekend, they had the utility articles on sale. I need them because I haven’t got any except in storage, and I can’t find where I packed them. Besides that, they are 20+ years old and not even sure if they are not crumbled up or not. So tonight, I bought a new 12-piece set. That is 6 leather and 6 metal scent articles for 10% off. You can see them here, if you’re not familiar with scent articles. Well, the dog learns to scent discriminate with sniffing these beauties.

Raven!  Get off that table now!

Besides that, I got 6 boxes of OBEY treats. If you buy 6 of most of their items, you get a better deal. Six boxes of OBEY treats is a good thing. I’m going to give Raven a box a night for dinner for 6 nights to see if they live up to their name. Hmmm.



Dreaming of Something with Leissl

Two of my favorite muscial artists are Emmylou Harris and Counting Crows. Absolutely wonderful!

One Saturday night, in South Florida, before satellite radio in Fort Doberdale, I was scrolling the dial and caught the local country western station. They said it was the listener request night, so I called in to ask for an Emmylou Harris song. Didn’t matter which, just any. The DJ told me they did not play any Emmylou Harris. I asked if they were country/western or not? Yes, but we do not play Emmylou. Why not? Because we just don’t.

Can you imagine? That’s South Florida for you. I’d worked at two c/w radio stations in So. Calif back when music and the radios that played it were purer of heart and listener popularity – not $$$$ for playtime. One station was AM (KCKC) and one was FM (KNTF). Both played Emmylou and all the solid c/w artists. Emmylou was around singing c/w long before the punk DJ on the South Florida station was listening, and yet…eeegads!

To this day, I am dumbfounded with a c/w station that put such a policy into effect. I do not even know the station because I refused to listen to it after that. I’d rather hear the sound of silence, which is a beautiful sound in and of itself.

Well, back to my revelation. This afternoon, I noted that both Emmylou and Counting Crows recorded songs about Michelangelo. Harris recorded “Michelangelo” and Crows, did “When I Dream of Michelangelo.” Imagine that, will you? How often does anyone think of the man? But he lives through their music. He’s got some heavy duty psychic vibes, Michelangelo does.
