I talked to the MB-F people, who are superintendants for Friday’s AKC trial, and they said Baby’s and my entry arrived after closing – at 2:25 – and they closed entries at noon, so they sent it back to me.  Wow.  That’s a first.  I think I even Fedexed it, but I can’t pull Fedex up on the Internet this morning (infuriating!), so can’t check on that.

A little later in the day, I got a letter from the MB-F people.  A letter?  I mean a strip of paper with my check.  Now on the paper they say the entry got there on 2/25!  Which 225 was it?  I don’t know.  But I mailed the entry through US mail, as Fedex finally came up on the Internet and no record of my sending to MB-F was listed.  Now if I mailed our entry through US mail from Broward county to Brooksville, which is in Hernando county, on the 18th of February, one would think it would take only a day to get from here to there.  Seven days?  It’s a 4-1/2 hour drive!  Where’s my Rescue Remedy!

This is yet another entry for the People Plan and God Laughs category.  I asked to take off Friday from work even.  Eeewww kay, did I already say