Taylor’s New Room

This was what Taylor’s crate looked like up until this morning.

Taylor’s Crate Stash Taylor amongst her crate stash

Last night, I forgot to latch Taylor’s crate before bed. Evidently, she figured this out, and got busy relocating her household to a preferred spot in the house – the Dobie sofa. Taylor used all crevices of the Dobie sofa to stuff her belongings into. Taylor’s belongings used to be shared belongings amongst the FDSP.

A new location for Taylor’s stash

We are working on teaching Taylor some new rules, but for now, we humor her. She was spayed by a shelter a week ago today with a full belly of puppies. She may be using the toys as a replacement for her litter. Here she is adding one of Leissl’s favorites to her collection.

This one looks good here. Perfect!

This is what Taylor looked like when I stood by her crate and told her to go in her room, which she has been doing for a week up until now. Now her room has changed locations, it seems.

“I am in my room.”
This IS my room.

This is what Taylor’s crate looked like this morning. I pulled her green blankey out to wash and put down a new one, but none of the toys were disturbed…

Nearly cleaned out!

Quite a difference in furnishings from light’s-out last night!
