My PITA BOY is named Luigi. He is a high-maintenance Doberboy. He’s prone to hurting himself, or getting strange maladies that take a lot of testing and money to diagnose and treat. But he is also a brilliant character, and … Continue reading
Category Archives: Luigi
One night late last week, I was ready to shut my eyes and go to sleep, when I heard Annie’s bark. Rather demanding, might I say. She usually sleeps on the floor in the bedroom, so why I heard her … Continue reading
Luigi and I were practicing our pose for when we win a blue ribbon at a future trial. OK, that’s not the reason were were posing, but it’s what I’m gonna tell you. Hmmm…all my dogs are sleek. I’m not. … Continue reading
I have been getting the message that one of Raven’s favorite toys is getting well worn. Leissl inspected it after laying it atop a border rock. Then Raven took it over again and frankly, it had been raining. And when … Continue reading
Bouchard got irate with something Luigi did this evening. You can see the steam coming out of his ears if you look closely enough, squint, and blow puffs of air from your mouth when it’s below 40 degrees. I didn’t … Continue reading