The Resident Fort Doberdale Frog

I was bending over to water my plants on Sunday, May 4.  I was taking particular note of a cutting of a night blooming jasmine a co-worker hadgiven me, which was sprouting blooms.

Then I stood up… ladedadedaaa… and came face-to-face with the frog on the window ledge!  Ahhhhh!

He matched the color of the house and he just sat there letting me take pictures.

He is on the ledge here on the right between the V of the plant.  Can you see him?  He’s there…a little white blob.

But the sun was going down, and I knew he was going to get active because I usually see him from the inside with his suction cup feet attached to my window.  So I stood by, and this is what happened to him as he woke up.  MoG!  It’s the Incredible Frog Hulk!

I think he’s eating something or someone.  I do.

Since that day, this frog has been making this window ledge his home.  He poops on the ledge, eats on the ledge, and does who knows what else on the ledge.  But he’s OK.  He’s not too noisy.  In fact, I haven’t heard a croak out of him.  However, there are some unusual croaks coming from a more bushy area in the yard.


Ginger’s Lunch

I was going to drive to Costco at lunch today for one of those aromatic chickens for Ginger.  Then I wasn’t.  Then I was, wasn’t, was.  On my last was, I started getting the signals…green ones.  So I went through them, and passed my turn to go home, at which point I was on a wasn’t again, until a dove flew over head and told me to keep going, so I did.  I got the chicken and came home.  After I ate half of it, I decided to see if Ginger, who’d already gone outside and came in again, wanted some.  She was in her crate, so I offered her some to the dismay of all the other dogs.  She didn’t take it.  I told her where I’d gone for it, put several pieces on her paws, shut the door, and let her alone a while.  When I came back in, she’d eaten all the pieces!  And was waiting to come out of that room.  Then, I thought, give her more.  So I did, but that was too much.  The pile of chicken remained a pile until I went back in to pick it up.  So instead, I swabbed a finger full of peanut butter on her roof, and told her I loved her.  Then I gave her another pain pill, and came to work. 

I hope she keeps up the good work. 


Ginger’s Surgery

Ginger’s not feeling well since her surgery.

She had a very hard surgery.  The lump was so big, there wasn’t much skin to close her wound, but the vet managed.  This is Ginger when I picked her up.  She was still groggy.

Her new x-ray shows the cancer has grown in her lungs and in other spots.

Ginger slept all the way home.  Her eyes could barely open the few times she tried.

She’s not eating now, though she is drinking.  I gave her a small amount of vanilla yogurt with two 35 cc syringes today and this evening, she got a swab of peanut butter on the roof of her mouth.  She will come outside to go potty and be social with me.  That is what drives her – getting loving from her person.  She’s a wonderful Dobie.
