Sunday ~ Fort Doberdale Style

This morning, Regis leads Baby in the Dober Tango.

Luigi’s current favorite Cuz ball is in everyone’s possession but his.

Baby Diva is sporting coconut hair in her teeth.

Lilian passes by with a reproachful look at Baby’s hairy tooth as if Lilian, queen of hairy teeth, should talk.

So as a retaliatory move, Baby, The Queen Mother, moves Lilian to the “do not touch me” list. This means Lilian is allowed to stand by, hold her ball, and watch the QM play; however touching The QM is forbidden until further notice.

Bouchard licks off Z-snail juice from grass blades.

Luna bird watches.

Bird dog watches.

Such a lovely Dove.

Ginger catches snowflakes. (OK, pretend.)

Raven flung her bells off the door this morning, then she and the herd trampled them. Guess who’s going to be reshaping Raven’s jingle bells this afternoon. The Dobermaid.

And Annie Bananie has been labeled.

Posted in Doberkids permalink

About Helen

I'm a Southern California living in South Florida. I've been here for 10 years as of October 1, 2007. No matter where I live, I'm a dog lover, and my breed is the Dobermann Pinscher of the Working Group. I am also fond of the Australian Shepherd of the Herding Group. My life revolves around my dogs, which is something those family members of mine don't understand. So I'm an island in that respect, but have built friendships with those who are doggie lovers and respect the canine as much as I do. Some do rescue, some train in, compete in, and judge AKC trials. The common thread is our dogs are family.

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